The online racing simulator
Hi! [payment problem]
(5 posts, closed, started )
Hi! [payment problem]
I'm trying to get my S2 liscence, but at the payment screen i keep getting a message saying

'invalid payment method'

What do i do? Craving the unlocks!
it would help if you told the us what type of card you are trying to use, and if it is one of the cards accepted by the devs.
Quote from WH33LNUT :I'm trying to get my S2 liscence, but at the payment screen i keep getting a message saying

'invalid payment method'

What do i do? Craving the unlocks!

Step 1) Please make more informative titles for your threads
Step 2) Do not create unnecessary threads. Someone will help you in the previous thread.

Scawen and the team dont actually accept bodily favours for LFS licenses, I had the same error too...

Welcome to LFS, I dont know the answer to your question, except that it is referring to payment method and I used a Visa card when I bought it, and all was fine.
Please use the "contact us" button at

I will close this thread as it's not really "General LFS discussion".
This thread is closed

Hi! [payment problem]
(5 posts, closed, started )