The online racing simulator
My screen graphics have degraded

I have been an S2 driver for about 4 months. My screen image has been high resolution and very nice. Just today, with no changes from me, the track resolution has become very bad. The car graphics and other screens are fine, but the track is grainy, like low resolution. I have checked to make sure that my settings are okay, rebooted, etc., but still the same result.

Has anyone else had this problem, and if so what do I need to do to fix?

Thank you!

In Options/Graphics what is the setting for
Textures (excluding skins): [low res] , [high res]?
Thanks for your response CheerioDM!

I have always had the setting on high resolution and that did not change. After a few hours of confusion, I went into my graphics card which was set for "let the game decide" and reset it to high quality independent of the game and it is now fine. Apparently the signal from the game that high resolution was requested was no longer being clearly understood by the graphics card. In any case, it is fine now!

Thanks again for stepping in to help me... much appreciated!
