The online racing simulator
Gamma Correction Slider
(5 posts, started )
Gamma Correction Slider
It would be very nice if we could have a kind of gamma correction in the graphic options menu, so people with a too dark monitor don't have to change the brightness setting on their monitor. Also you could turn the gamma correction down, and have a kind of night race
i have the feeling i have the darkest screen of everyone.. because half of the pictures and renders i post.. people see stuff that looks black to me..
#3 - ORION
Quote from XCNuse :YES PLEASE OMG!
i have the feeling i have the darkest screen of everyone.. because half of the pictures and renders i post.. people see stuff that looks black to me..

maybe ur just blind (kidding :P)

A gamma slider would be nice, but note that
1. a higher gamma reduces the image quality dramatically
2. you can set gamma/brightness/contrast in the control panel

So if your screen is too dark all the time, you may want to change the settings in the cp or take a look at the buttons on the front of your screen (if the brightness isnt set to max already)
1. if i set brightness in nvidia: colors all washed out and just head towards white
2. if i set contrast in nvidia: colors become more colorfull and alot darker
3. .. well.. everything with nvidia is just messed up
I think all games should have gamma correction / brightness control.

I put a 9600xt in my machine and the drivers refused to enable in game colour profiles. Every game (without gamma correction) looked like night time. I almost had to go back to my ti-4200 just to play LFS.

But then the card fried anyway and I had to go back to the poxy 4200 anyway

Gamma Correction Slider
(5 posts, started )