can;t be bothered reading through everything but i've got a blackberry torch and an iphone 4 on contract. the torch is used by the ex (we're still good friends, her last boyfriend screwed her credit rating hence why it's on my contract). always avoided iphones as i couldn't see my need for one but got this one as a free upgrade after an argument with orange about how much they wanted to charge for a smasung s when my contract was due to renew (go figure, they wanted £149 for the samsung when it was free on a cheaper contract but gave an iphone for free rather than £259 as an apolagy

) so i'll do a quick comparison
build quality
torch - feels solid and a bit special, can't really describe how but it feels expensive.
iphone - feels solid but whilst better than most android phones and equal to any i've held it doesn't feel as quality as the torch
torch - adequate, no more no less
iphone - adequate for stills (but see apps comment), good quality video even on 32" TV
torch - very restricted selection
iphone - huge selection, lots of dross but plenty of good ones, i've got a few games, kindle app to give me something to read (the apple book readers not bad and does PDFs) and there are good camera apps which make a huge difference to the camera's capabilities over as it leaves the factory. apart from a couple, all the ones i use were free.
torch - brilliant for tests and emails, twitter, facebook which is what you'd expect, signal strength can be a bit erratic at times, combination of touch and keyboard works well for ex though i find keys too small for my clumsy fingers. the OS feels slightly counter intuitive but you get used to it but itcan be a bit glitchy, needs a hard reset ( i.e. pull the battery) fairly often and can eat up its memory untill it's reset, twice has had problems with it's database indexing requiring delective data deletion to cure. in other words it feels like it's not quite finished/ tidied up, plenty of help on net as they're all common faults. the screen is ok for quality
iphone - unbelievably smooth to use, wasn't sure about the whole itunes install needed on pc but it's no where near as intrusive / overpowering as some "haters" make out and makes adding podcasts music etc very easy, touch screen is as responsive as its reputation suggests, signal strength is generally good though that antenna can cause the odd issue unless you have a case / bumper. face book etc is dependent on app quality, pretty good though the odd upgrade can cause problems, email isn't as good as blackberry but that may change soon. occasional glitch with camera not responding (one of the apps i assume is behind this) but a simple power off / on will cure it and it feels a bit better thought out than a battery pull. the screen is simply amazing, no matter how close you hold it you can not see pixels, if you like watching films / videos on your phone then it's a no brainer.
in summary to me the torch and iphone feel like a bizarre smart phone cross between a windows PC and a Mac.
the blackberry is like a Mac, specialised, ultra quality feel with a small selection of programs but with the bugs of a poor windows OS,
the iphone's like a fairly up market PC with multiple free / cheap programs available and with an OS that's as easy to use and reliable as a Mac's
* had to add this, despite prefering my iphone, i really can't stress how, everytime i use her torch it feels so special, forget other phones with sliding sections where there's always a bit of movement and sticktion, the torch feels like a precision, oiled bit of equipment.
EDIT: forgot to say the iphone can be a bit of a bugger regarding bluetooth, it really does not like pairing with other phones, it's one area that it really does fail in.
regarding ringtones, i've no idea about the blackberry but yes the iphone does need mp3's converting but that's not a problem, a bigger pain is the limit of 30 secs and as far as i can tell no way of using music for a text tone, i'm often working with ear buds in so i prefer a longer text alert so i notice it, it's not a problem if i'm listening to stuff on phone but i also use a walkman mp3 player as it's compatable with napster's unlimited legal download service.