The online racing simulator
[WYD] Racing Team
(2 posts, started )
[WYD] Racing Team

WYD Racing Team

Hello, We are a New team looking to expand into the racing world. We have alot of new talent and they are just edging to race. We currently have 10+ members, which are all good, long time friends. We started an LFS Racing server about 2 months ago. We have been looking a long time into hosting an LFS server, and we finally did. All of them run 99.98% all time unless there is a problem with the server box, or down for maintenance or changes. Most of the Team is dedicated to racing, and are on everyday.. Some I haven't seen around racing in a while so they are on the "Not so much Active" List. We would love to see more people come and race with us, as we race far and plan to grow and one day be a popular LFS racing team. We strive to have the best for our team and the servers themselfs.

Current Active Racers:


Current Not so much active racers:


What is WYD?

WYD is Who's Your Daddy Clan. We are a Multi-Gaming clan with over 40+ Members. We host Multiple games including: BF2, COD4, COD5, Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead, Counter Strike, LFS, and someother Racing Games. WYD provides server hosting as well. WYD is a International Clan, with people from all over the world. WYD has been around for about 6 years now, and have been going strong for the longest of time. It started out to be just a BF2 Clan, but has grown to be a Multi-Gaming Clan, as we play and host many different games. The Clan was based on First-Person Shooters, but we have grown to be apart of the Racing Community as well. We are a very friendly and helping community, willing to help anyone in need. So if you want to take a look at the site, then go to the link below.


We are Looking for other Racers to join us as well, So if interested just go to the forums, Sign up, Get on vent, and Check us out. If you go in one of our servers, and we are on, then just ask about it.. And an admin will assist you. All of the Admins have been picked very carefully to insure the best for the Team. They are all Mature, Older men that have respect for other, and have the skills to run and maintain a fun society of Racers. But... We don't take bullshit from people that break rules, and do stupid stuff.. If your new, then thats fine, but ramming people off the track on purpose or breaking other rules will be you the ol' boot out the door.


Admins: [WYD]Bulletface, [WYD]Minerva, [WYD]Blind, [WYD]Sharp, and
--------- for the Demo server: [WYD]Speedhound


[WYD] Formula BMW
[WYD] GTR Racing
[WYD] FOX Racing

Have a good one everybody
Nice write-up, good luck guys

[WYD] Racing Team
(2 posts, started )