The online racing simulator
Lag issue
(3 posts, started )
Lag issue
in any server where i play i lagg horrible at start of the game. My car keeps lagging until there is only like 5 other drivers in same screen. i play in full screen mode. How i can fix this lagging at start, i got good internet speed and computer.

help needed
It would be nice if you could post your pc specs so the people here can get a better idea of what might be the problem. What kind of CPU, how much memory, what kind of graphics card etc...

And perhaps also say on what settings you're running LFS. What resolution, AA/AF etc.

Seeing as you only experience the problem when there are a lot of cars on the screen it makes me think that it's either your CPU or your graphics card that can't handle the game. But there are other people who know a lot more than me about this kind of stuff, I'm sure they'll help you out
#3 - mdmx
Quote from King t1ll1z :in any server where i play i lagg horrible at start of the game. My car keeps lagging until there is only like 5 other drivers in same screen. i play in full screen mode. How i can fix this lagging at start, i got good internet speed and computer.

help needed

First you should determine if it's caused by network connection or your computer by using a simple pinging test.

Open command prompt and ping some well known fast server at your area. Since you are from finland, will do just fine. So, open up command prompt and type 'ping -t' and press enter.

It will start to ping the server and give times (as millisecs) of how long it takes to send a packet from your machine to server. That is called latency. Usually with adsl connection it's 20ms-50ms, and it should be quite stable.

First check how much it is without lfs running.. Then start lfs in windowed mode, go online and watch if latency changes when race starts. If it goes much longer, then there is something wrong with your connection. If it does not, then the problem is in the game (or your computer which can't handle it).

Press ctrl-c in command prompt window when you want to stop the pinging..

Also check the game fps (frames per second, framerate) when racing starts. That's the constantly updating number at top-left corner. If it goes very slow, below 20 or so, it may cause the lagging issue.

Give those results and we may continue from there..

Lag issue
(3 posts, started )