The online racing simulator
#1 - CSU1
Link to Victor's post at LFS first run[Training]
Yeah mean like a pop-up, message or anything that redirects new drivers to that link?
Not a bad idea.

Actually it would be great to have it as tips/hints on the lisence register page, so when you make a lisence you have to press "I have readed the tips" or something on the register page.
#3 - CSU1
Ya, basically having the option to learn the theory aspect of each of the practical driving lessons, or as I've said make the theory mandatory adding it to the training itself making a theory test pass a prerequisite for the next lesson...
Even better, force people to hear it
First time you start opp multiplayer part there comes this message on screen that also has voice actor on it, then when it's done you are allowed to race
Won't be plug and play then.

Just put a tips button in the training section that contains tips textually.
A 2 minute toturial is not much dedication to ask for on new players if you ask me
#7 - CSU1 would also give new users confidence in their ability to set up their car properly and give them the know-how to change and deal with poor handling at the earliest possible stage.

Imo most would be thankful for such a mandatory structure(as a prerequisite for on line multiplayer).

On your first try to go online, it should say something like:

Hold up!
Just getting you feet wet in racing? Read this for some text tips on how to blah blah blah........
Yepp, that's a good way doing it OORR