The online racing simulator
The Angry VideoGame Nerd
(15 posts, started )
The Angry VideoGame Nerd
Started to watch this serie last night, and I have pretty much watched it everything now, it's brilliant!

Anyone else that's watching this serie and have some thoughts about it?

IMO the best part is the introduction to the epic "Super Mega DEATH CHRIST 2000 BC"

Link to the serie :
I love that guy :P I downloaded his WHOLE video collection of 25 gb.
Watching em over and over. so funny
I started watch half year ago
#3 - 5haz
Personally I think that Yahtzee bloke who does Zero Punctuation is funnier.
I discovered him about a year ago and i loved the way he made the "Dragon's Lair" angry review.
The best thing from his archive is,for me,the bible games review
I laughed so much at that that i had to stop the video several times.I mean,some games are really weird,to say the less.
Not to talk about the game peripherals
Quote from 5haz :Personally I think that Yahtzee bloke who does Zero Punctuation is funnier.

Care to enlighten me more about this?

And did you watch the reveiw of "Plumbers don't use tie" (wrong spelled tho) ?
That was seriously, epic
Quote from 5haz :Personally I think that Yahtzee bloke who does Zero Punctuation is funnier.

Yeah, he is amazing

And if you watch ones about a game you have, you can see exactly where he's coming from

My favourites are Fallout 3 and Wii Resort
What in bloody hell
Quote from The Very End :

And did you watch the reveiw of "Plumbers don't use tie" (wrong spelled tho) ?
That was seriously, epic

That was epic,yeah,epic shit
What were they thinking?The game looks like a soft porn movie made of static images.And did you hear the voices?Maaaaan,that must be the biggest mistake in the videogames history.
Haha, lovely review on 1 minute
Nothing beats Zero Punctuation to me
I prefer the Angry Video Game Nerd, he's less annoying than Yahtzee and he tends to review older, weirder games that nobody in their right minds would even bother with these days. Which is both noble, and pointless.
Quote from Electrik Kar :I prefer the Angry Video Game Nerd, he's less annoying than Yahtzee and he tends to review older, weirder games that nobody in their right minds would even bother with these days. Which is both noble, and pointless.

True, and the half assed - yet funny animations makes a big + aswell
The Superchrist thingy made me laugh so hard I had to pause the video
AVGN (IMHO) is extremely overrated... I mean, all he does is swear a lot showing us weird and half arsed games from years gone by. Funny the first time, not so, second time. My opinion - saw one review, seen them all.

I prefer Zero Punctuation over at Escapist (besides, they got lots more cool funny stuff going on there)

The Angry VideoGame Nerd
(15 posts, started )