The online racing simulator
Calling all UK members, free pint tomorrow!!!
If you buy the mirror newspaper tomorrow then there is a voucher for a free pint of carlsberg at participating pubs!
#2 - Jakg
ooooooo, "local" (7 mile away...) pub is on t'list... Shame it's a shit beer, though...

How much is a copy of the Mirror?
50p or so, your quids in but you'll look a saddo going in for one free pint
Hehe some dork who's never drank Carlsberg drives 50 miles to the nearest participating pub to find out the beer tastes shit.
i love carlsberg, shame i'm on this side of the pond.
Even the prospect of booze will not make me shell out money to the lousy Mirror.

Stick to knowing mates working in the local Whiskey distilleries if you don't mind
I have a flag here in my flat that entitles me to a free pint of Carlsberg and a burger at my local (1 min walk away) pub. I don't know if I could stand buying the Mirror just for another one!