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BAT file help
(4 posts, started )
BAT file help
Hi everybody,

Today i got lfs relax and i am tring to make a batch file to run them at the same time. this is what i have so far in the file.

@echo off
echo starting lfs and lfsrelax
start "C:\Program Files\LFS\LFS.exe"

When i start it without the "s it says, "Windows cannot find 'C:\Program'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.". Also when i start the .bat file with the "s, it sends me to another comand prompt window and it says some stuff about the system.

I have no idea what im doing wrong so can smebody please help me?
If you have the .bat file in the same folder than LFS you can just write:

@echo off
echo starting lfs and lfsrelax
start lfs.exe

or even without the "start":

@echo off
echo starting lfs and lfsrelax


I'm not sure if this is the best way of coding this (it has been awhile from when I've been fiddling around with bats) but this should work if you have the .bat in different folder than LFS:

@echo off
echo starting lfs and lfsrelax
cd C:\Program Files\LFS\
start lfs.exe

It worked! Thanks!

So what should i do to start the LFSRelax at the same time?

EDIT: i got lfsrelax to work. any ideas on how to get it to auto connect to the insim port (in game type /insim 29999)
#4 - herki
To solve your problem:
start "" "C:\Program Files\bla"

start.exe expects a window title between the quotation marks, so give it a dummy one.

BAT file help
(4 posts, started )