The online racing simulator
Facebook Group - Live For Speed
First of i have to say, i do hope its ok making a Facebook Group for the Fans of LFS, if there are any objections what so ever please let me know and i shall remove the Group.

I'm sure most of you will have facebook to keep in touch with people, Friends, Family, Loved Ones, well now you can have You're favorite Game on there to.

So why not join the group and try to make it the biggest group on Facebook!

Thanks All, Logi.

Group Link:

Comments, Suggestion below!
There aleardy is a lfs group
#3 - ORION
Aww nuts, i tried look but found nothing maybe its Facebook playing up as its not letting me search... gay,
Yeah, already an LFS group mate, did you look first?
i did lol but its not allowing me to search groups, appologies people.
Good intentions, bad timing.
Yea was for all you lovely people never mind aye, 10 minz of golorey done :P
Quote from Logicalx :Aww nuts, i tried look but found nothing maybe its Facebook playing up as its not letting me search... gay,

Search for LFS ...not gay

will get better results
Quote from DoC_uk :Search for LFS ...not gay

will get better results

Way to come out mate... respect
lol, joka's.
Quote from Logicalx :
I'm sure most of you will have facebook to keep in touch with people, Friends, Family, Loved Ones.....

Comments, Suggestion below!

Facebook JFC........
I prefer to meet my friends, family and loved ones in the pub.

ps - lfs members fall into none of the above catagories (team mates excepted of course)
Yet you fail to see that not all friend and family are always close by......
Quote from Logicalx :Yet you fail to see that not all friend and family are always close by......

Erm, no I'm not that stupid.
Quote from Nadeo4441 :There aleardy is a lfs group

when i looked some time ago, i think there was more than one...

Rant: what is it with people on facebook... can't people just join an existing group? i ended up joining a group called "a group against facebook groups with identical titles"... and then i realized it in-itself was a duplicate group...
Yeah. I am in one I believe, since I got an email asking whether anyone wanted to take responsibility of the group.