The online racing simulator
personly i wouldnt of used xp home...from what ive been told from msn friends and what little experience ive had....Xp Home is no good with games xp pro is wat u wanna use.
#27 - Jakg
Quote from Supaheli :personly i wouldnt of used xp home...from what ive been told from msn friends and what little experience ive had....Xp Home is no good with games xp pro is wat u wanna use.

What utter tosh. Home lacks features, yes - but for playing games they are both the same.
Usually, when the icons and that stuff dont show up - it means that "explorer" service is not working. Go to "Run" and type "explorer". It should work, if not - something is really messed up. Also, when it works and u gotta do this every time u switch on the PC - maybe the "explorer" service is not in the high priority or something.
Quote from danthebangerboy :It got really bad again so i bit the bullet and reinstalled windows XP.

Now i'm totally f--ked!...

Dude whaaaaaat?

I've run XP for years without anti-virus or anti-spyware and have never had any problems
I see what you mean pb32000 but i bet that your windows is upto date. I am stuck with sp1, so in effect i am without 5 years worth of updates, a sitting duck in other words.

I am now managing to d/l ad aware se, at a very slow 7.32 KB/s, so this 32mb file will be over an hour
you could of asked someone on your msn list to dl them for you and send them as a zip file.
Quote from danthebangerboy :I see what you mean pb32000 but i bet that your windows is upto date. I am stuck with sp1, so in effect i am without 5 years worth of updates, a sitting duck in other words.

I am now managing to d/l ad aware se, at a very slow 7.32 KB/s, so this 32mb file will be over an hour

Fair play yer. Would it be better just to start again with a new Windows installation, then just go straight into Windows update and get everything sorted - will be a lot to download etc. Then put on your anti virus etc after it's all up to date.
Quote from pb32000 :Fair play yer. Would it be better just to start again with a new Windows installation, then just go straight into Windows update and get everything sorted - will be a lot to download etc. Then put on your anti virus etc after it's all up to date.

or slipstream SP3 + updates using nlite and windows updates downloader.
sadly updating with the pc in its current state isnt possible, as all access to any microsoft sites has been blocked by malware/viruses/worms,etc... And guess what, windows firewall and windows automatic update services have been disabled by them as well, and i cannot restart them as all the options in services.msc are greyed out.

I am currently running spybot S&D, (adaware will not run on sp1) it's about a quarter way through and i have two pages of errors already!
#35 - CSU1
Quote from danthebangerboy :It got really bad again so i bit the bullet and reinstalled windows XP.

Now i'm totally f--ked!

Turns out the version of xp i have on disk is only xp sp1.

As soon as i connected to the web and tried to get avg8 and zonealarm back on my pc, they won't install because they need sp2 or higher.

So i thought i would go to microsoft and d/l sp2. Cant do that either.

Because i have no protection, it was full of spyware and viruses within seconds, my hosts file is nackered, and had changed all outgiong ip addresses that involve microsoft sites to (loopback ip) so i cant access or d/l anything from them.

I have all kinds of junk on my c drive such as exe files called hellmsn, jpeg's that werent there before, etc...

So im stuck in a never ending circle now. Cant use my av or firewall as im not updated, cant update because viruses have got me and blocking like f--k.

New pc time i think.

Quote from danthebangerboy :sadly updating with the pc in its current state isnt possible, as all access to any microsoft sites has been blocked by malware/viruses/worms,etc... And guess what, windows firewall and windows automatic update services have been disabled by them as well, and i cannot restart them as all the options in services.msc are greyed out.

I am currently running spybot S&D, (adaware will not run on sp1) it's about a quarter way through and i have two pages of errors already!

Just buy Windows XP pro, if you shop around you'll pick it up for sixty quid or so

Or do what Amplifier said, but be warned if you're not fluent with the microsoft management console you will put yourself in a situation whereby all contents in your PC, everything you do on it and everything connected to your PC is owned by someone else if you follow his advice

Just buy a new disc, tis a fraction of the price of a new PC!
This is ****ing pointless!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I re-formatted, then installed malwarebytes anti-malware program and spybot which i had previously kept the installers of on my memory card.

I did this before connecting to the internet.

i then hit the connect button on my freshly made connection, and the second it came up connected, i clicked on windows update.

Within 3 minutes and 36 seconds the lsass process killed itself and gave me 1 minute until system shutdown.

Once it restarted i ran the malwarebytes scan and found 16 infections already, after 3 odd minutes.

Now i have some exe file that keeps appearing on my c: drive called k8m1l3e9f4n7.exe which comes back every time i try and delete it, a service called Delsrv.exe that restarts as soon as i end it, all microsoft sites are blocked again, my HOSTS file is ****ed, windows firewall keeps turning itself off, and something called z-connect keeps making its own web connection and adding itself to my connections list, which disconnects my 3g connection. I have had to delete z connect, switch my firewall back on and reconnect my connection 11 times since i started writing this.

If it wasnt so late at night i swear to god that i would throw this ****ing pc out of this 3 storey window, i kid you not.

I dont think i have ever been as pissed off in my whole entire life as i am now.
#37 - Jakg
Do you actually want me to put SP3 on a disk and just post it to you?
Quote from Jakg :Do you actually want me to put SP3 on a disk and just post it to you?

I would be very very grateful if you could do that for me jakg, as im going out of my mind trying to update this sp1 rubbish.
#39 - arco
Your memory card is probably infected, so when you run stuff from it, it infects Windows. Try to run Windows in safe mode with networking, then download malwarebytes and superantispyware and run a scan.
#40 - Jakg
Quote from danthebangerboy :I would be very very grateful if you could do that for me jakg, as im going out of my mind trying to update this sp1 rubbish.

PM me your address and i'll drop it in the post.
It isn't the internet infecting you that quick, even with SP1. A connection must be initiated by you, spyware and malware doesn't just "find" you within 3 minutes. It must be an infection on your HDD or memory card doing it. It only takes one to open up a security hole (which there must be hundreds of on SP1 by now) to let the rest in.

There isn't much you can do without having another, clean PC to hand to download all your necessary updates and security, if you're getting infected that quick. Even SP3 won't help if the infection is still there on a disk.

Out of curiosity, I'm going to throw SP1 into a VM and see how quick I can get it infected. I tried that when Windows 7 came out first and it was near-indestructible
do what the americans do with praire dogs target your hdd from a safe distance and shoot the crap out of it or get a 20 pound sledge hammer and :smash: it coz that wat u need to immeditly u have to many viris's by the sounds of it. it would be cheapier to buy a new hdd and install fresh with no problems wat so ever
surely a re-format and install removes all data from the HDD anyway, so there shouldn't be any viruses or anything on there when i do a fresh install again with sp3.

Im gonna remove the memory card from the usb dongle thing before i try again as well.
Quote from danthebangerboy :Im gonna remove the memory card from the usb dongle thing before i try again as well.

Do that, as it sounds like that's where the virus or whatever are.
Also, I've heard that certain rootkits can stay on your HDD even after a format. I've no idea how true that is or not, but that could also be it
unless u have malware or virus removal programs and i dout that u have to get all of them anyway coz when u install fresh they rename themself makeing it harder to find.....BUY A NEW HDD!!!!
Quote from Supaheli :unless u have malware or virus removal programs and i dout that u have to get all of them anyway coz when u install fresh they rename themself makeing it harder to find.....BUY A NEW HDD!!!!

Wtf are you on about? Stop giving false advice.
#48 - CSU1
#49 - STF
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I've no idea how true that is or not, but..

Most of them attach an alternate data stream(eg. a malicious .vbs) to a file, a clean file of course, and then execute that data stream with wscript.
Alt. data streams can be executed by directory listings too.

Hm one more thing, if you don`t reformat the usb flash, at least try checking the autorun section (if any), that is, if you didn`t turn off autoplay when you tweaked it ages ago.
my computer did the same thing when the harddrive crashed