The online racing simulator
Most thrilling video game moment?
(61 posts, started )
Most thrilling video game moment?
So we've had frustrations, how about some thrills?

Well, I'll start first, an old childhood memory of playing the very first Gran Turismo on PSX: back then I had just gotten Dodge Viper GTS to race in a non-modified cars only event. All but the last round went smoothly... because I spun out four times (!!!) and lead car was hard to keep up with. I spun again (!!) on the start of the last lap and come back to win the race by 0.014 seconds.

Never again will I have that close of a finish in any game :/
Original Tomb Raider. T-Rex. </thread>
Uhm... Probably on TR2 in Venice on the boats. That beats the pesky T-Rex any day!
um mine would have to be any time i wasent leveling in lineage 2 and in silent hill 1 on ps1 the hole school part
The last laps on first wins and top positions in LFS and some battles in LX6. You had this tingling feeling in your legs and your heart rate was way too up, good times.
Playing Red Orchestra in the best team of the world for about 4 years was thrilling. Nothing (on the computer) beats competitive playing concerning the adrenaline rush.
One particular game of Dawn of War I will remember for all time.

6-player match, I forget which races we all were, but I think all of our enemies were orks. None of us had ever met before and we started playing as normal, slowly pushing forward as much as possible, getting pushed right back.
That game last 3 hours, the last hour or so we were all in the enemy bases, but unable to do enough damage to the buildings to win the round. They kept just spawning more troops and slowing us down just enough to hang on a little longer.

It was the best round I've ever played, the most intense and insanely frustrating at the end. Everyone involved was glad when it was over and they could go to the bathroom
For me it was also Gran Turismo for the PSX.
  • Watching the intro for the first time when i bought the game.
  • Buying my first upgrades for a car.
  • My first turbo race with a stage 4 turbo
  • Racing the FTO LM
My first victory at S2.

After a breath taking 30 minutes of racing!

1st of 8 in 30:21.620

It was a race at Aston Historic with the Formula V8!
My second day having S2!
Beating fallout 3 with only 40 hp left I would have had more left if i didnt fire my missle by accident in the rotunda.
taking out half the forum in an fz5 on blackwood
Uplink's final mission (on the Arunmor side). Nothing beats the adrenaline rush of trying to hack 3 or 4 machines every 2 minutes just to stop the spread of Revelation. Love it
Haha Uplink was a classic game, if a little tedious.

I liked the epic-ness of the Halo 1 final scene personally.
Total Annihilation LAN party, 3 players versus me. Fought back from the brink of defeat to win in under 2 hours.
Can't really say what would be the ultimate best moment ever, but I just remembered these reading the thread title.

Best racing sim moment(s):
My first real race ever in a "real" sim (it was NR2003, in Watkins Glen I think).
Before the lights went off I was really nervous like I would be IRL when doing first race start ever.

First race win online in S2.

Best FPS moment:
The old-good BF42, with Forgotten Hope mod and some addon map to it, I was playing on allied and we had a bad situation, we were hiding behind some bushes and trying to think about good way of getting over the big open area with constant axis mortar bombing. We chatted and thought like maybe it's just best that we all rush at same time, teh nazis can't get us all rite? So we all shouted charge thru the radio and run over the open area with mortar grenades blowing off, most of us died but I and few team members got to the enemies trenches and killed them in close battle, I was using my favorite weapon M1 garand.
Now the way to the village was open, it was the best moment but it was only start of the battle, trying to get the village was very thrilling too.
Can't remember the maps name but it's maybe the most awesome FPS multiplay map I've ever played.
Hmm I have a few.

Wolfenstien - Final Boss! Hitler with chain guns....arrrggg!
Ditto for Doom 1.

RTS - Warcraft, can't remember the level....but I was sweating!

Obviously I've had a few thrilling LFS moments too. I reckon the most thrilling are team events.

dSRC vs. FAC team race back in S1 was sweet! LX4 round SOL....ahhh, the memories! I still watch that replay. I didn't win, but the racing was immense.
The final 2 bosses in Parasite Eve 2.
I was like.... hopefully this is ever gonna end, but it was an amazing feeling finally having finished this.
And yea, stepping the gas in tdu while driving slowly before
Quote from Kid222 :.. winning championship in GP4 with Minardi in 10 lap races on hardest difficulty... in last race.

Really thrilling, two laps left and i overtook that Williams bastard.
Legend of zelda: Ocarina of time -> First time in the Dungeon under the well in Kakariko (wow, still know that name...)

Its so spooky, I think i didn't dare to enter it alone back then (was round 10)
I wet myself the first time I got a kill on counter strike
this will sound wierd and it does to myself, but...

gran turismo 2 on an endurance race and i paused it on exactly 60:00:00:00

exactly 1 hour! (so sad)
With LFS it has to be my first ever organized race - which was actually the first ever organized race for the first reborn Clean Racers Club. It was thrilling to notice that I can race 'ok' despite being a noob.

It's really hard to name any exact thrilling moments, but Half Life and Tenhcu - Stealth Assasins for example were pretty thrilling for me back then.

EDIT: Oh yes, 18 straight hours of HOMM 2 hotseat game with a friend and then accidentally steppeing in a sarcophag(sp) and answering wrong (didn't have google to cheat with) was thrilling.
Quote from Becky Rose :Total Annihilation LAN party, 3 players versus me. Fought back from the brink of defeat to win in under 2 hours.

you call that thrilling? we had a 9h long c&c generals games once that ended with a constant train of tanks out of the 12 war factories i built in the centre of the map roling into the massive base of a friend... took 2 or 3 hours just to get past all the defenses
#24 - VoiD
Probably the moment when our first private lan started to work, back in mid 90´s...
Six friends, me included, on Win95, 10base-T (took ages to install on all 6 PC´s). We played Outlaws (Joystick!) and Quake1 (+mlook) for the rest of the weekend.

First guy: "Hey, thats you"
Second guy: "Kewl, I see you on my screen"
Third guy: " Wow, I can see you both"
Fourth guy: "Eat this!" ...he missed us ...but the rocketjump was born.

...What a fun
The first time i ver Raced an XFR on westhill i was at CTRA race 3

And I pwnd everyone in my class 14 drivers!!

Most thrilling video game moment?
(61 posts, started )