Remove plates from GTR Class
(33 posts, started )

Poll : What you think?

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Remove plates from GTR Class
Like tittle say, real GTR Race class dont have plates ( XFR , UFR , FXR , FZR , XRR) , i think from mi pov whould be better to Game inmersion and for ppl who make movies about lfs
+1 , asked before though, the name should be shown on the window then, as it is there, and just remove the numberplates from these cars.
Something I never really thought about. Good suggestion.
Of course, the cars would look more real that way. Imagine the FZR without, uhhhh :hyper:
+1, but it's not that big of a deal imo.
Ehm... it's a valid suggestion lol but personally I think it's nice to have space for 5-7 letters on a car, but you can do that with skins.

So fair enough.

I've had ideas on what I could skin in those spots.
+1 , omgz XRR will be so sexy
Unsure, not all series remove rear number plates. We need the names on the front and rear windows first, and possibly flags
+1 for sure, it would be much more realistic .
+1, but what would go in place of the plate in the rear? It'd just be an empty cavity on the back
Yes +1, and the name on the side window, BUT also on the front window
This goes in the same category of suggestion as 'put bolts on the wheels so they don't fall off when I get out of the garage'.

Can't be done, sorry, it would make LFS much too realistic graphic-wise, which is not something anybody would want.
#16 - Gunn
Remove plates from all cars.
and while your at it, get the friggin woodgrain out the FZR
+1 I've never seen a race car that goes at the speed of the GTR's with a licence plate... it would be extra weight for nothing wouldn't it?
ffs why is there an option "don't care"??? It's a yes/no question!

And YES please remove the license plates. (and wood panels on fzr )

besides, it improves the aerodynamic.
Been mentioned a ton of times, and IMO, it's such an easy thing to fix, I can't understand why it hasn't been done already.......
Quote from Nick. :+1, but what would go in place of the plate in the rear? It'd just be an empty cavity on the back

You decide which looks better.... an empty cavity on the back...

Or a typical LFS numberplate...

I can appreciate what the number plate is saying, but I think the empty cavity on the back looks more realistic and is more suited to a racing car.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :ffs why is there an option "don't care"??? It's a yes/no question!

And YES please remove the license plates. (and wood panels on fzr )

Because some people simply don't give a shit about little things like this?
+1, for the plate remove, and +1 for hitting the flags and names on windows
in some series the licence plate is used for the main sponsors, so making them skinable would be a option too


Remove plates from GTR Class
(33 posts, started )