The online racing simulator
help~~ [MPR]
(17 posts, closed, started )
help~~ [MPR]
could any one help me?i need a mpr twins in SO4(XRT)~~~

What exactly do you need? A replay file?
Demo can't play S2 replays anyway, so no XRT, not in Patch Y or Z.
Quote from Flame CZE :What exactly do you need? A replay file?

yeah....or what did u think about...a mpr...patch Z..Y is OK too..

and not i need it ... its my good friend...he has S2 license....
LoL, BuStEd!
let me guess his next post

i not find drift mpr there.

I never said that.
Quote from jaycnme :and not i need it ... its my good friend...he has S2 license....

Your friend presumably has a name. So either tell us that name or, even better, get him to ask for it himself.

WARNING: Bananas are ready and cooking.

Quote from Dajmin :Your friend presumably has a name. So either tell us that name or, even better, get him to ask for it himself.

WARNING: Bananas are ready and cooking.

could u please tell me why do you wanna know who he is?

eh...i come from CHINA...he likes kimi very ID in srfc is mifan(yuanweibbs)

i just need a mpr~~~~~~
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#15 - Gizz

!!WARNING!! Several banana's will be hurt in in the making on the thread..

how many banana's have to die for these people!!! :doctor::nurse:

GOD i always wanted to do that!
Asking for an mpr is not general LFS discussion.

Thread closed.
This thread is closed

help~~ [MPR]
(17 posts, closed, started )