The online racing simulator
xfg ''rally'' style interior
(29 posts, started )
xfg ''rally'' style interior
been having this for a while but ive been too lazy to upload it.

interior is still WIP, im gonna update that shifter knob(now its guite Fugly) and some other stuff if you want

parts are mainly token from xfr

this overwrites these files so i suggest to make a backup if you want your old interior back

some prewievs ... teriorpre1_122_1192lo.jpg ... nteriorpre2_122_924lo.jpg ... nteriorpre3_122_415lo.jpg
and the interior

please comment and tell if that rar is missing something
Nice detail and stuff, but this seems kinda weird in a ordinary hatch...

Oh wait, I see. You're a demo user, and since you don't get to use the XFR, and stick the interior into the XFG instead.
nice job!
Great work!
Quote from Furiously-Fast :Nice detail and stuff, but this seems kinda weird in a ordinary hatch...

Oh wait, I see. You're a demo user, and since you don't get to use the XFR, and stick the interior into the XFG instead.

Well, i doubt he is going to stick a rally style interior into a race car, seing as it has slicks and all...
good job expet do rally cars really have a ac/heater in them? wow luxery lol
Can you drive with rain, if you dosent have heater ?
Thank god rally cars do have heaters. Rallying in the UK weather would be unbearable. When I went rally driving in Shropshire I was eager to get into the car, but not to drive, just to warm up !
Quote from Gills4life :Thank god rally cars do have heaters. Rallying in the UK weather would be unbearable. When I went rally driving in Shropshire I was eager to get into the car, but not to drive, just to warm up !

only the basics in rally cars.... everything that's unnecessary is gutted from the car - heating stays since it takes heat from the radiator and requires no extra heavy accessories to function...

you'll often see A/C controls, power windows/locks controls etc..., but everything behind is gutted so none of it works.... though i have seen a couple of Production class cars with working power windows....

imagine driving without a heater in quebec.... -30C....sometimes down to -60C with windchill factor... when Francois Duval ran the Charlevoix rally here a few years back, he staid in the car the whole time, even during services, with the car jacked up :P ....wuss....
All the world rally cars probbably have the electric motors gutted, the AC systems and what-not, but probbably the heaters stay because, as rancid says, takes heat away from the rad.

Again, as he said, the lower classes (the ones with people you've never heard of in west yorkshire) probbably have most of the gizmos since they're often used to drive there and used on 'occasion' away from racing as well
Of course rally cars have their heaters, atleast in rallies like Sweden, because its cold there And of course here in Finland the use heaters too
Quote from Sm0k3 :Of course rally cars have their heaters, atleast in rallies like Sweden, because its cold there And of course here in Finland the use heaters too

yep, and if we should gues the class that car would go i would say its small.N. and those drive on winter too
where do you put it?
is it me, or do you get a naked webcam site when u click on the link?
Quote from oli17 :is it me, or do you get a naked webcam site when u click on the link?

It's your imagination.
:| i know i'm sad but that's just worrying!
Quote from oli17 :is it me, or do you get a naked webcam site when u click on the link?

Which link?
im sorry about this, but the host of the pictures is...well advertising porncam. but if it appears close the window and click the link again and if not then one more time and you should see the pics. oh wait, on topleft it says(your picture will open in (3)...(2) and soon it will say click to open the picture or smthing and youll see the pic
/me right clicks and saves URL of mentioned site.....

xfg ''rally'' style interior
(29 posts, started )