The online racing simulator

Poll : DQed should be?

Stick to the old rule: DNF
Allow rejoin and calculate back laps
Allow rejoin
Disconnection is a DNF. I know that we didn't apply this rule in race 2 and this confused a lot of people. But this was because the admins were arguing over this during race 2. Thor and Missing didn't agree that DQ=DNF and I was out voted so i didn't apply that rule.

What do you guys think?
I think it should be allow rejoin and count back laps but not rejoin as many times as you want. After like rejoining twice you shouldn't be allowed to join the server again as you may make others lose connection.
I think you should allow rejoin.

If someone is having a really bad time, and has a wrecked car and is almost a lap down, they could just unplug their modem, come back w/ a fresh car and get all their laps back.

I agree they should be able to rejoin, but w/o laps counted.
allow rejoin but they should be laps down.
Allow rejoin at the first few laps
Well if they join back they will probably be a lap down anyways...
I'm sorry but that should be a DNF, plain and simple. I've been a victim of that due to my ISP but it only happened a couple of times.
Quote from Mischief007 :I'm sorry but that should be a DNF, plain and simple. I've been a victim of that due to my ISP but it only happened a couple of times.

This is what I would do to a certain extent. Tea had some problems last race and reconnected many times, 2 of those reconnections BigTime timed out (with tea aswell). So to a certain extent this is the best way. Though this way is very depressing to a driver, I found out lap 49 of 50 while in 2nd behind BigTime (last LOTA race). I was leading the points too, but when someone timed out it made me too, so I lost 40 points to BigTime and will go on to lose the championship .
DNFs absolutley..
I'm glad you guys see it my way. It'll be a lot easier.
If your going to make it a DNF, you better make sure your server is up to top standurds. It sure hasn't been the last two rounds.
The server was great for me last race I think I disconnected once during practice but I put my pc under heavy load and that caused it..
Quote from racer hero :If your going to make it a DNF, you better make sure your server is up to top standurds. It sure hasn't been the last two rounds.

The server was pretty stable that last round.
I'm kinda always having problems with discos, dunno how lucky I was not to get any in first two rounds, but I'm 100% for rejoin and count all laps
Quote from N I K I :I'm kinda always having problems with discos, dunno how lucky I was not to get any in first two rounds, but I'm 100% for rejoin and count all laps

+1 but with a limited amount of rejoins. For example rejoining twice or else it means that you clearly have connection problems and might take someone with you instead of it being just a quick failure in the pc or connection.
Quote from lizardfolk :The server was pretty stable that last round.

Umm...Not really. MistaTea doesnt lose connection in LXO Only cup or LFSBC but he has lost connection in these two races....
Of course he lost connection about 90 times in the one IGTC race you guys ran. I've seen him d/c a lot more than most.
Yes, but he only lost connection in IGTC when people were connecting. No one is connecting in these leagues, so there shouldnt be problems if they have a decent server.
Quote from racer hero :Umm...Not really. MistaTea doesnt lose connection in LXO Only cup or LFSBC but he has lost connection in these two races....

Mistatea seemed to be the only one to have major problems in round 2. The first rounds of disconnection happened because racer joined the race (he has very poor connection and even made me disconnect)
What about Nolan?
Meh, my connection is at 900 kbps when I download so I'd think that's enough to run smoothly on an LFS server.

I think it might be hardware related. Maybe my pc starts overheating when theres lots of cars around but I don't even get FPS lag so I doupt that could be it. Maybe the network adapter got damaged?

As for were I've had connection problems well here's the list

1 race out of 9 in LFSBC, my only round in IGTC =/(lots of cars and people joining and leaving the server), SRcup (Lots of cars plain and simple and I only get the problems when lots of people join then I start getting problems)...

Haven't had much trouble in LFSBC nor in LXO, i think I did 1 round.

I don't know what to do bout it anymore because my connection is sopose to be high speed. shows that I have a download speed of 2698 kb/s and upload speed of 508 kb/s.

My ISP claims that I should be getting 7 mb/s. (Rogers Hi-Speed Express Internet)

Just ran a second speed test and got 3421 kb/s download speed and 510 kb/s upload speed. -
DNF 100%

ppl rejoining the server just causes everyone else to lag unnecessarily. even considering allowing people to rejoin and count all laps in a league is one heck of a joke if you ask me..
actually, i think your internet connection is part of the game. the same applies to wheels. for example if your wheel brakes during the race, you cannot just say: "oh sorry, my wheel broke while racing, i will rejoin and you count all the laps together, ok? ah and forget about that crash i've made, it was my wheel - not me"

if you have a bad connection, FIX IT. if you cannot provide a stable connection for the race, YOUR PROBLEM. as long as the server is not responsible for any time-outs i do not see any point in leting people rejoin and even add up their laps.

there is also one more thing which makes me a bit suspicious:
e.g. someone is in the way of crashing, he just unplugs his network cable (can be done pretty easy) and times out. afterwards he comes back and says: "sorry i timed out, the crash was because i've timed out but now i am back and will you just add my laps up. ok?"

look at MoE, every timeout they had (and in a 24h race there certainly are a lot of them) will bring a 2 lapspenalty to the team. as the storm cup races are not that long i just stick to my opinion:

if someone is timing out, its his fault and a rejoin will reset his lap count to 0.

btw. i did that: "add laps after rejoin" in the first season of lfscar 360 cup. it was a shit load of work and i had 2-3 times the feeling the one who rejoined just wanted to cover a driver mistake... so i changed the rules from season 2 on: if you time out, you start with 0 again - period.
I don't think you should even be able to rejoin the server if you disco. It lags people that are racing and that stutter when someone leaves the pits is bad sometimes.
Also if they get to rejoin and then their laps are reset to zero they could start helping their teammates by blocking others. Because there really is no blue flag in Nascar, They can slow up another car until their teammate catches up.

I don't care what the pole says Lizard , you are running the league. If you think a disco is a DNF it is!!!

Its the only way to go