The online racing simulator
Quote from Shotglass :it turned from something that looked like nature into something made to look cute in a horribly ugly way

Thats because it was an early video, they had to add the shiney stuff for the mass market just like The Sims 2. I think it looks great now, it was always meant to be a funny version of the universe rather than a realistic one. You can still make scary looking creatures and places, I just don't think we have seen much of that because people always want to make crazy looking things when they test it.
Quote from Shotglass :my biggest gripe is the tide pool phase which used to look believeable but turned into this ridiculous looking version of bacteria

Well considering many people have been able to produce flash games with the same level of graphics in the original tide pool phase I think its a good thing they have improved the graphics. This game is aimed at the mass market just like The Sims was, it is meant so that 40 year old hardcore gamers and 6 year olds can get the same level of enjoyment from the game. As WW said he wanted people to create their own little characters, things that would take a team of Pixar animators months to build. This game has a big injection of comedy, its like the game of Flanimals, everyone will buy it and love it.
I disagree. I didn't love the sims and spore seems to go down the same route on a larger scale. Fun to toy around with for an hour or two (or, lets say till you beat the game once), but shallow, repetetive gameplay if you subtract the admittedly powerfull editing tools from it.

EDIT: Rereading my post made me realize how wise I am. It's one of those games you are meant to toy around with, but not play. Not that it's not fun, it just isn't what floats my boat.

On a sidenote: how can you name your love knob more eloquently than calling it "penis", which is the scientific name for it?
But do people 'toy around' with lego, or do they play with it? That just crosses my language wires, as you're supposed to play with toys, and it's supposed to be fun. Taking away the tools and demanding that the game stand on it's own doesn't make any sense- it's like saying 'let's see what happens when we take all the weapons out of Doom'. No fun.
Well, I have no problem with people who actually do toy around with it for hours on end and are satisfied by it. I for one tend to get bored by it pretty soon. Especially if you don't have full access to the editor but have to unlock much of it by spending time in a mediocre game.
That said, I can only repeat myself. It'll be a huge success, but it won't hold much enjoyment for me.
I've been interested in Spore since it was announced. Unfortunately it sort of lost my interest as much when they announced they were dumbing it down so that anyone could play it. As a potential evil genius supervillain type, I wanted to make some kind of hideously malformed creatures and spend hours tweaking every single element of them to create the most terrifyingly disturbing thing the world has ever seen. My plans were spoiled when I saw how cute it all was.

But the idea of being able to download and randomly interact with creations from all over the world could be really good. If for no other reason than to see exactly how sick some people are

I'm waiting for the reviews before I decide whether I'll be picking this one up or casting it aside like a faulty DNA strand.
(Electrik Kar) DELETED by Electrik Kar
My interest in spore waned almost completely when EA announced they were using DRM that only allowed you to install it like 3 times or something. I'm probably going to pass on it.
The always helpful Jonas Beckman over at Tweakguides, has informed that the Spore Creature editor has had an early release. Apparently it's ended up on a magazine cover CD and is now circulating around the web. Here's the link to Jonas's post, but I won't directly link to a download, because nobody seems sure right now how legal this is... :munching_
#36 - JJ72
I made some pretty sick thing in that creator...dunno should I put them.
Go on, we're all adults here..
Its probably the demo version and not the full creature editor, which I will be getting as soon as its out. The good thing is you can claim back the cost of the editor against the full version if you choose to buy it, so technically its free if you were already planning to buy Spore.
hm doesnt look like puple tentacles will stand much of a chance out in the wild :/
Quote from Shotglass :hm doesnt look like puple tentacles will stand much of a chance out in the wild :/

They is not tentacles...they is MANDIBLES!! (jaws for teh uninitiated )
scariest thing i could come up with so far
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#43 - JJ72
the video capture function is neat, gonna post some up youtube.
Here's one of my attempts.

He's actually a great dancer, kind of wish I could post up a video...

(I'm not a member on Youtube)
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#45 - JJ72
Quote from Electrik Kar :kind of wish I could post up a video...

just attach the png like i did so everyone can load it into the editor
Damn, lost him.
Looks like a "no-brainer" choice for June/Julys avatars then
he really enjoys looking at his own arse
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(Electrik Kar) DELETED by Electrik Kar
Ok, Mr Shot- here's a Hopslug for you..
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