The online racing simulator
Insim for server!
I have Touge-M Server Id like to install an insim onto it!

Here is a list of what I want in it!
  • Speeding in the pits = Spec
  • Innactive on track = Spec after 45 seconds
  • Welcome message (Welcome to Touge Motorsport Team Server, [name]!
  • Track Change After 1;30 hr
  • Profanity Warning( Kick after 3 uses of certin words) Ill pm u them so that i dont get banned on here
  • Menu, With Rules tab and Touge Motorsport Member tab
Should not be hard!
I'm going to take a guess and say that this is not something that you would want to pay out any money for.
I do want a menu, and Profanity, But all that looks good, except its a spec not kick,...and Ill think about paying, considering it is alot of work to code! Depending on $$ after next week, Im going on vacation! Gonna drain some cash!
Ill see what i can do, Cannot promise anything though. I have to go help my brother fix his pc.
#7 - MR_B
Quote from greg_slideways :I do want a menu, and Profanity...

I can give you some profanity if you want! I've got pleanty of that...
As in a profanity BLOCKER! haha None of that!