The online racing simulator
Anyone use
(5 posts, started )
Anyone use
Hello, was wondering if anyone has ever used

Stupidly...i used their online free instantsite thing on my domain i brought with them, but now i want to apply their webhosting package onto the domain, and it's saying that i already have instasite applied on the domain....any way how to get rid of this, "instasite"....
I'm sure your family members don't want their e-mail address posted on the web...That's how spam comes about.

Yes, I have used 123Reg but I have never used the free crap and never plan to.
Lol get ready for the spam...

As with TGL, I've used 123reg, commercially. Much hassle ensued...
Personally, I currently have 3 domains maintained at Namecheap (and plan to transfer another there, soon) and my server hosted by [url=http://asmallorange]ASO[/url]. I'm happy with both of them - Namecheap has never given me any hassle at all, no spam, nothing.
Nominet handle my Domain registration stuff, and I host my own site, so no crap with third party apps

Anyone use
(5 posts, started )