The online racing simulator
#51 - SamH
When you've done ranting, Becky..
Quote from Becky Rose :As for the source, if I decide to release X-System source I will, it's as simple as that.

Are you familiar with the concepts of faith and trust? Making statements like you did, stating that you would release UKCT's code to the public if you so decided, doesn't inspire faith and doesn't encourage trust. Frankly, Becky, you don't sound like the person anyone with any sense would share code with, or entrust code to, when you make statements like this. Especially in bold.
You dont strike me as someone anyone would trust in any project either, seeing as you steal anything when there's a sniff of advertising and trample on your friends to do it in order to get your lions share.

Seeing as I will never regard the project as the 90% yours you claimed, or anything more than "used by UKCT" rather than owned by it, if I decide to release my work as open source I will.
#53 - SamH
And, Becky, you will be regarded accordingly. And that's the point I'm making. You'll do whatever you want, just as you always do, and you'll reap the rewards accordingly.
Oh please guys, stop bitching, it will lead to no where...

Just accept the fact that ye have some differences and move on. Theres no point argueing now...
#55 - SamH
Too right. All this can be happily discussed over on the UKCT forum, where full and complete documentation is available
This thread is closed