The online racing simulator
I've decided on Thrustmaster Ferrari 5in1

Only £25 so it's nice and cheap & will definately be an improvement on the Mad Catz PS1/PS2 wheel/pedals i'm currently using which are crap.

Any tips on how i should set this up in the settings for the game so i get the best reaction from the wheel & gradual speed/breaking from the pedals?

forget it has no ffb if you drive with no ffb its like driving with no sound it cuts down on the fun and its like driving with no wheels...dont get it trust me if your going for somthing cheap and good with ffb check out the logitech wingman gp ffb wheel great for starters and WRs can be achieved with this wheel

Edit: if you can aford a bit more than a logitech wingman go for a rev2 momo its the best starter wheel out there
£75 for the momo....just a bit out of my price range that, but it does look good.

I'm not too bothered about FFB to be honest, my current Mad Catz one has it and i've never used it.

If i'm not bothered about the FFB is the ferrari wheel still good for the price? i dont really want to pay over £30 for it as i'll only be using it on LFS.

Does the Formula GP come with pedals or is it just the wheel?

OR there's this one on amazon LINK
Ill say this. The only time I've ever used a wheel without FFB was when my old Microsoft Sidewinder wheel's power adapter started getting finicky... and I just stopped playing LFS altogether until I got my new wheel. Why? Because without FFB, I found myself constantly crashing. The same way as I can't race without sound because I can't hear the tires squealing/skidding and I also crash. You really, REALLY should wait until you can get a wheel with FFB. REALLY. It's basic feedback that any good drivers car will give you (why do you think they always make such a big deal in the magazines when a car has terrible feedback through the wheel?)

I tested a Chrysler 300C once when some relatives came over from France and rented it - because they wanted to driver around in a REAL, AMERICAN CAR, lol. That had the worst feedback I've ever felt. There was NO sense of ANYTHING through the wheel. It was dead. And the car itself, well it literally felt like driving the Queen Mary. Quite possibly the most horrible driving experience ever.
what's the best to get then with FFB close to my budget of £30 that works well in LFS?
#6 - troy
i would go for the wingman formula force gp, had this one for years and it worked pretty well. last time i looked up the price it was available for around 40 euro (thats £29). also logitech costumer support is one of the best i had so far, if something breaks you will get it replaced

be sure that it is the GP and not the EX
just looked around quickly and the only place that has the formula force gp is EBAY, i dont really like buying stuff like this off ebay incase it goes tits up
Yeah, sorry I can't help here though. I'm in the US

But yeah, absolutely don't get something without FFB.
well i've just sent some questions to one of the guys that's selling one on ebay (condition etc) his item ends in 2 day's which works out fine cuz i only get paid on friday.

Hopefully i'll end up being the winning bidder....usually don't tho on ebay, damn list second bidders lol

cheers for your help mate, hopefully this will get my damn time down on the hotlap for Blackwood
#10 - Nobo
I still have one in my dungeon. If you can pick it up here you can have it for free!
Last spring the dfp wheel was quite cheap over here, he got it for 47 Euros, maybe wait some time for dropping prices?
For like £15 more you could get the Logitech Driving Force FX. While it's not a DFP in terms of features, it does have a good few buttons and FFB. And it's a Logitech wheel so it'll be pretty good build quality.

My R440 was a cheapo and even that is better. I've tried non-FFB wheels since then and they just feel slack and lifeless. I want to feel like I'm turning the car, not that I'm randomly spinning a plate

Although the EX is £50 from GAME right now and you could get a DFP for £60 new off eBay. Curses to the PS3 and GT5 - these wheels have skyrocketed in price!
LOgitech Driving Force LINK £45 posted

Or the EX NEW from £45.00 (does this have the flappy paddle gear change?) LINK

or do i go with the wingman formula force gp (price unknown, currently 99p with £7 postage....but will no doubt rise)
been reading up and i've decided to go with the EX from for £45. i'll be ordering it on friday when i get paid

Cheers for your help guy's
The DFP is a far better wheel. I would seriously think about saving the extra few quid and getting that.
what are the big difference's between the EX and the DFP?
The EX is just wheel and gear paddles, no stick shifter. The DFP has 900 turning circle and I'm guessing the EX is probably about 180.

TBH for the extra £10/15 I'd hold off and get the DFP (I'm about to replace my wheel with one).
What's the full name for the DFP so i can search around for some price's to see if i can force myself to pay the extra £££
Driving Force Pro.

You'll need to search for PS2/PS3 wheels though, it doesn't always appear as a PC one. But it is compatible since it's USB and there's PC drivers for it.
£70 (posted) is the cheapest i can find that, on Ebay....don't think i could bring myself to spend £70 on something i'd only be using on LFS.
That's including delivery though.

But yes, as I said, the PS3 getting GT5 seems to have bumped the price up considerably. Jakg's wheel guide put them about half that price. I'm still hoping I'll be able to grab an eBay bargain and get it for about £20
Well i'll keep my eye's open for the DFP but not at £70...£55 tops maybe. i'll probably end up with the EX tho
My DFP rocks! A tip is dont use 200 ingame strength and profiler 150% force feedback

Google dark planets and look for the dfp on darkplanets
£65 on darkplanets site for the DFP

I love my ps3.....but now i also HATE it lol
Cheers mate, i'll keep an eye on that auction & see what it goes up to.