The online racing simulator
If i won the lottery, i would buy...
(83 posts, started )
If i won the lottery, i would buy...
If i won the £1 million lottery, i would buy...

make the best computer, with a Quad, and 2 8800 Ultras running SLI, and 2 10k harddrive in RAID0, and i would also buy a nice new go-kart, a G25, a good laptop, and nice desk, and then keep some in a bank

how about you?
Quote from harjun :If i won the lottery, i would buy...

make the best computer, with a Quad, and 2 8800 Ultras running SLI, and 2 10k harddrive in RAID0, and i would also buy a nice new go-kart, a G25, a good laptop, and nice desk, and then keep some in a bank

how about you?

i would pay a hitman to shoot you, then have him steal everything that you bought with your lottery money. that way you won't exist, and i will have all my money back.
#3 - Jakg
Buy a 1337 PC, and... that's about it.

Rest in the bank for a fairly nice 1st car (ie something about £5k) and use the interest to do a job i'd enjoy, rather than one i had to do to make ends meet.
It depends on how much the prize actually is. I'd buy myself a moped, an even better pc, a mountainbike, and invest what's left.
its not £1 million, updated it

nice ideas
1. New car
2. New house
3. 1337 PC
4. Force Dynamics Rig
5. Lifetime supply of sick bags.
If I won one mill, I'd pay my rent for the year so I can finish my degree without worrying about money. Then when I finish I'd pay off all my debt and look for a job I could see myself doing until I retire. When I find one I like I'd buy a house in that area and the rest would live in a savings account and leave it for a rainy day.
I'd get a ultra-powered pc, my own home, a small bmx park and take my family to barbados to witness my much-delayed marriage.
A life time supply of Cheeto's and a bunch of bean bag chairs. Oh, and of course, S2. If anythings left, a bunch of different brands of wheels.

Edit: ROFL at Blaeza's avatar.
1. a PI.
2. A rocket launcher, bunch of rockets, an AK47 and a 9mm pistol.
3. Rambo style haircut and clothes.
4. then would have a huuuuuge party to celebrate your death.....
if i won i would build my own kart track
"When bombs are falling, invest in real estate."

So I'd invest half of it to either arms dealers or buy property.
Quote from Jakg :Buy a 1337 PC, and... that's about it.

Rest in the bank for a fairly nice 1st car (ie something about £5k) and use the interest to do a job i'd enjoy, rather than one i had to do to make ends meet.

You won the Lottery... And you still think you will be using your computer... wow... didn't think anyone was that much of a geek tbh. You will be out with money grabbing haws
If i won the £1 million lottery, i would ....

First, convert it to $ so I could spend it. Then I would purchase a more powerful forum software for the LFS devs that had a search function on it.....

Didn't we just do this thread not long ago?
Mmm let?s see

Finish mi colege

Fix my eyes

Buy a house

1337 pc

and mmm o YEAH!!!!

Toons of beer and naked girls
Quote from Inouva :Mmm let´s see

Finish mi colege

Fix my eyes

Buy a house

1337 pc

and mmm o YEAH!!!!

Toons of beer and naked girls

And you could buy a website, then you would have enough space to put a sig
I'd order pizza, and blackjack and hookers!

Heck! screw the hookers and blackjack!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :
Heck! screw the hookers and blackjack!

A rather appropriate phrase I think.

Depending on how much I won, I would...
  • Make sure my family and myself are sorted.
  • Invest in my local Football team and become Chairman, then invite friends onto the board.
  • Buy an Alfa Romeo Berra, any other car would be blasphemy.
I know, I just decided to do something different, because I'm hungry!
I'd donate nearly all of it to charity. Some of it would go to my parents to help them out, but I don't feel the need for loads of cash like that, I'd just give it to the less fortunate.
I would phone a financial advisor, then I would buy myself a flat with secure parking in a nice area. I would then buy myself a reasonable every day car. Then I would buy a lot of new clothes and furnish the flat I bought. I would of course buy a really powerful pc with lots of big monitors, mostly for my graphics work rather than sim racing.

Then I would set myself up as a freelance graphic designer and video editor to earn an everyday living and keep myself busy. Next I would try to get myself a racing license, then enter some low level grass roots motorsport. I would use the motorsport as a platform to do some fund raising for Cancer Research UK and other cancer research projects.

If I won a very large amount of money, I would first make sure I could keep myself and my future children financially secure. I don't mean living in a huge house, I mean £40,000 a year lifestyle, 4 bedroom house, Ford Focus and a shed. Then I would give the rest away to charity or to people I know who really need it.
A house and a new PC. That's about it. Maybe a car.
#23 - Nobo a nice new racing bicycle. a new pair of running shoes.(My old shoes start to fall apart) some LFS licences to donate sth to the devs.
Save the rest ...i am pretty much happy with my simple life.

Maybe donate something like 10.000pounds for BUND and/or Greenpeace
I would build a soundproofed underground bunker, throw a huge party for all the most party-going celebrities, leave early, lock the doors and turn off the air pump.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :
  • Buy an Alfa Romeo Berra, any other car would be blasphemy.

You'll burn in hell or go walking then Did you mean Brera, btw?

Sorry m8 couldnt resist

If i won the lottery, i would buy...
(83 posts, started )