Hello everybody! 
LFS Mail is an InSim application for servers that allows users to send emails to other lfs users in game. All emails are begin saved in a central MySql database. That way you can read all your email in all servers that are running LFS Mail and are connected to the central database.
LFS Mail is currently in Alpha stage, but is ready to be tested so far.
The emails are being stored in a central database located at www.lfsmods.net provided by birder from www.conedodgers.co.uk.
LFS Mail supports custom databases, which allows you to use your own database. I included an image where you can see the database definition.
Testing this application would be greatly appreciated. The more servers it are using the more valuable LFS Mail is!
LFS Mail has been build using the .NET Framework 2.0. So you need that if you want to run the application. (If you don't already have it)
The command(by default) to use the email system is !mail.

LFS Mail also has a Private Message module, which allows users to send private messages to other uses in the current server. Private Messages are chat lines that can only be read by the destonation player. To access the pm system, type !pm to popup the pm screen.
The pm system can also be disabled.
For more information about connecting and settings see the config.txt file included in the zip archive.
Current Version: Alpha 1.02
Thank you!

LFS Mail is an InSim application for servers that allows users to send emails to other lfs users in game. All emails are begin saved in a central MySql database. That way you can read all your email in all servers that are running LFS Mail and are connected to the central database.
LFS Mail is currently in Alpha stage, but is ready to be tested so far.
The emails are being stored in a central database located at www.lfsmods.net provided by birder from www.conedodgers.co.uk.
LFS Mail supports custom databases, which allows you to use your own database. I included an image where you can see the database definition.
Testing this application would be greatly appreciated. The more servers it are using the more valuable LFS Mail is!

LFS Mail has been build using the .NET Framework 2.0. So you need that if you want to run the application. (If you don't already have it)
The command(by default) to use the email system is !mail.

LFS Mail also has a Private Message module, which allows users to send private messages to other uses in the current server. Private Messages are chat lines that can only be read by the destonation player. To access the pm system, type !pm to popup the pm screen.
The pm system can also be disabled.
For more information about connecting and settings see the config.txt file included in the zip archive.
Current Version: Alpha 1.02
Thank you!