The online racing simulator
changeable rims
(88 posts, started )
changeable rims
im not saying put big 28 inch alloys and make ur car look crap just some subtle rim changes as in Gran Turismo if you know what i mean....?
You can get Bespoke, and or Tweak, (both if you can find a patch V version of Bespoke) Because Tweak can change the size of the wheels, and Bespoke can edit the rims. Don't use it on the one you go online though.
It is hard to believe that you didn't see other threads on this subject when you made the thread with the new thread title search feature.

This has been brought up countless times. Welcome to the forums, but make sure you make well use of the search feature.
i realise this has been brought up many times but its the way people put it across. they say things such as "i want some big 22 inch chrome rims" but i just want some racing wheels maybe are lighter so as to increase the perfomance of the car. sorry if i irritated u by suggesting this as other people have already, but if it gets you that pissed off please...feel free to get some counselling...
Quote from Dalek0220 :You can get Bespoke, and or Tweak, (both if you can find a patch V version of Bespoke) Because Tweak can change the size of the wheels, and Bespoke can edit the rims. Don't use it on the one you go online though.

thanks but i meant change the wheel altogether if u get me, but thanks for taking your time to answer appreciated
Quote from jono2005 :i just want some racing wheels maybe are lighter so as to increase the perfomance of the car.

Then everybody would choose those wheels, making the option pointless.

I think this thread is ready to be closed now.
Maybe a choice of different wheels for the for the FWD GTR and the big GTR's as purely an aethetic reason. Such as having names of tyre brands, different makes of wheel look different. We already have different wheels for the gtr's just maybe make the interchangable.
I agree with Greboth. A few different tasteful types of wheels to represent the brands already in LFS can't really hurt things.

Also due to different mass concentrations wheels are like the engine's fly wheel, they can affect the way the car revs up and down. A high moment of inertia will cause it to accelerate more lowly but bleed off energy more slowly, which could be advantageous on Kyoto GP's long uphill climb. Wheels with a low moment of inertia are the opposite, they can quickly change state, so they become the best option for tight courses where one much often change from braking to accelerating ad must squeeze the most acceleration and deceleration possible from a short space.
Purely for styling reasons, without performanche changes, that way rims are chosen for tast, or to match a skin, instead of performance (to prevent a rim from dominating)

Pretty much what Keiichi said on top!
Quote from CodieMorgan :Purely for styling reasons,

To quote The Wonder Stuff: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Rims ala Falken, Speedline, Racing Hart and Volk Racing, not as in spinners or chromed out flames.
#12 - Gunn
+1 for variety.
I guess it would a nice little addition, but there are WAAAAAYYY more deserving things than addition rims that need adding first.
I don't want to make NFS from tuning
Wow, i think it's obvious some people don't actually read a thread before posting.

We can choose the color of our wheels, so why not a couple different types, to choose the one that best suits the skin (or the car you're trying to make a replica of).

Gunn and I are just asking for some variety, About as ricey as wanting to have the option to turn the window banner on a GTR off for a skin.

What i am supporting is:
Racing hart s16

American Racing

Volk Racing


Quote from danowat :Because it's not important?

OK, i don't normally do the spam thing, but this warranted it.

You wasted the time to post a total of four words? Over a point that wasn't being argued. Nobody said it was something we had to have right now. There are hundreds of more important things, BUT I decided to post something constructive to this thread. Agreement pending a narrowing of the terms of the suggestion. In short a "Yes, but..." agreement

Oh yeah, here's for the time you wasted on 4 words.

Feel important yet?
You asked a question, I answered it, quite why you took an oppurtunity to attack me for it is beyond me, but I hope it made you feel big and clever, nice one fella
Quote from danowat :You asked a question, I answered it, quite why you took an oppurtunity to attack me for it is beyond me, but I hope it made you feel big and clever, nice one fella

Respond to Jackassery with Jackassery. If I wanted to have a go at you simply for the sake of having a go, I would simply take after your spelling and grammar. But then I would be at it all day, because once I get on a roll, I'd have to take after all the UK natives that can't write "proper" English.

Why you felt the need to repeat a a post you made earlier that nobody was arguing against is beyond me. For clarification of the obvious, the post you replied to (07:02) was directed to "thisnameistaken" who posted at 22:18 and Toki HUN who posted at 06:24.
Go for it fella, I couldn't give a monkey's ass.

Nasty little bugger ain't ya

I can post what I like within the realms of the forum rules, if YOU don't like what I post, it's tough shit mate, get over yourself.
#21 - Dru
Back on topic.

if there was an option to have differnet style rims then i would use pure so then in replays and such like the cars appear to be different and give a bit more of variety


for instance, my biggest 'aesthtic gripe' is the UF1 having a tri-spoke... i would change it to something like a 4 or 5 spoke or the original mini wheels purely on aesthic terms
Quote from danowat :Go for it fella, I couldn't give a monkey's ass.

Nasty little bugger ain't ya

I can post what I like within the realms of the forum rules, if YOU don't like what I post, it's tough shit mate, get over yourself.

hmmm... Nah. The investment in effort isn't worth the desired and unlikely outcome. Beside that, it wouldn't be constructive

A cold beer and a hearty laugh at an unsuccessful troll, however? Yeah I could go for that.

Back on topic: Variety good, Rice bad.

A few tasteful wheel types, derived from real performance wheel designs, no adjustable sizes or anything of the sort.
#23 - Gunn
Quote from KeiichiRX7 :
Gunn and I are just asking for some variety, About as ricey as wanting to have the option to turn the window banner on a GTR off for a skin.

I'm not really asking for anything, I just support the idea of a choice of wheel designs, simply for variety.
I say +1 for this.

It'd be just another feature to add extra customisability to your car, to make it "your own". Like was said above, no spinners or anything tacky (or riceboyz!11!). If they all share the same basic weight/aero properties it wouldn't create any performance advantages.
Adding different silly wheels will only end in tears. Best just to say to the people who want them 'nope, what you get is what you get', and hope they play NFS instead.

changeable rims
(88 posts, started )