The online racing simulator
InSim Suggestions..
(9 posts, started )
InSim Suggestions..
Ok, here is a list of suggestions I've compiled while working on a Live for Stats replacement.

o IS_TOC needs more information about the player that is taking over. As it stands now, after the IS_TOC gets sent a IS_PFL packet is sent, but we are still missing some of the information (i.e. Plate[8], PType). It'd be nice, instead of the IS_PFL being sent, that a IS_NPL is sent instead. Or the IS_TOC to include the PType, Flags, PName, Plate information fromt he IS_NPL. The latter would probably be preferrable as shown below As it stands in order to get the Plate and PType, we'd have to request, via the IS_NPL, all of the player info packets to be sent which seems a bit in-efficient if we're only interested in one player.

Relavent forum posting is

struct IS_TOC // Take Over Car
byte Size; // 44
byte Type; // ISP_TOC
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id
byte OldUCID; // old connection's unique id
byte NewUCID; // new connection's unique id

byte PType; // bit 0 : female / bit 1 : AI / bit 2 : remote
word Flags; // player flags

char PName[24]; // nickname
char Plate[8]; // number plate - NO ZERO AT END!

byte Sp2;

o Especially in replays running at greater than x2 speeds, we are not able to reliably receive every IS_NLP node packet, so this makes pulling statistically information that is not provided in the IS_LAP and IS_SPX packets. Specifically the information missing is the race position of the player and the current speed. From the IS_SPX packet, the lap number is also missing. Sure it can be inferred, but its better to be certain in the case of out of order packets with UDP. Adding these would give the following packets:

struct IS_LAP // LAP time
byte Size; // 28
byte Type; // ISP_LAP
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id
unsigned LTime; // lap time (ms)
unsigned ETime; // total time (ms)
word LapsDone; // laps completed
word Flags; // player flags
byte Sp0;
byte Penalty; // current penalty value (see below)
byte NumStops; // number of pit stops
byte Sp3;

byte Position; // current race position : 0 = unknown, 1 = leader, etc...
word Speed; // speed (32768 = 100 m/s)

byte Sp4;
byte Sp5;
byte Sp6;

struct IS_SPX // SPlit X time
byte Size; // 28
byte Type; // ISP_SPX
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id
unsigned STime; // split time (ms)
unsigned ETime; // total time (ms)
byte Split; // split number 1, 2, 3
byte Penalty; // current penalty value (see below)
byte NumStops; // number of pit stops
byte Sp3;

byte Position; // current race position : 0 = unknown, 1 = leader, etc...
word Speed; // speed (32768 = 100 m/s)
word LapsDone; // laps completed

byte Sp4;
byte Sp5;
byte Sp6;

Alternatively, it would be nice to have a CompCar packet available in the IS_LAP and IS_SPX.

struct IS_LAP // LAP time
byte Size; // 48
byte Type; // ISP_LAP
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id
unsigned LTime; // lap time (ms)
unsigned ETime; // total time (ms)
word LapsDone; // laps completed
word Flags; // player flags
byte Sp0;
byte Penalty; // current penalty value (see below)
byte NumStops; // number of pit stops
byte Sp3;

CompCar Info; // car info for the player

struct IS_SPX // SPlit X time
byte Size; // 48
byte Type; // ISP_SPX
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id
unsigned STime; // split time (ms)
unsigned ETime; // total time (ms)
byte Split; // split number 1, 2, 3
byte Penalty; // current penalty value (see below)
byte NumStops; // number of pit stops
byte Sp3;

word LapsDone; // laps completed

CompCar Info; // car info for the player

In either case, although I'd prefer the second, effeciency is increased because we aren't having to collect repeatedly collect the IS_MCI at a 100ms interval (for realtime and x1 replay speeds) or 50ms interval (for x2 replay speeds) in an attempt to collect information. This is especially true if we don't really need the position, etc. of the car at every node.

Relavent forum postings are and

o Add the connection Id to the IS_PFL packet as shown below. The player flags are really more connection based than they are player based. In terms of "taking control", the new connection that takes over the player object may have different player flags so when we track this information for statistical purposes we'll have a player information object that contains one to many connection information objects, which stores things related to the connection. This way we know what flags each "connection" used during the race.

struct IS_PFL // Player FLags (help flags changed)
byte Size; // 12
byte Type; // ISP_PFL
byte ReqI; // 0
byte UCID; // connection's unique id
byte PLID; // player's unique id
word Flags; // player flags (see below)

byte sp0;
byte sp1;
byte sp2;

o It'd be nice to have an SMALL_NPL that has a SMALL_NPL enum and the UVal would be the playerId. This SMALL_NPL packet would send a single IS_NPL packet for the requested playerId.

Relavent forum posting is
o Add a packet that allows for adjusting the voluntary handicaps, such as:

struct IS_RSX // Adjust player Restrictions
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // IS_RSX
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id

byte H_Mass; // mass (kg) to be added
byte H_TRes; // intake restriction

byte Sp0;
byte Sp1;
Quote from Hollywood :o Add a packet that allows for adjusting the voluntary handicaps, such as:

That wouldn't make them very voluntary would it?

But, I agree, that would be useful. Although i think it would be more versatile and wouldn't require InSim changes if we could just get commands for these actions, such as:

/intake_restriction <value>
/add_mass <value>
/add_mass_position <value>

Nope! But do you know anyone who is going to voluntarily handicap themselves?

Quote from sdether :But, I agree, that would be useful. Although i think it would be more versatile and wouldn't require InSim changes if we could just get commands for these actions, such as:

/intake_restriction <value>
/add_mass <value>
/add_mass_position <value>

Good idea.
But what if you want to do like how CTRA has different restrictions depending on car, you'd need to have said restriction per car, not a clean sweep.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :But what if you want to do like how CTRA has different restrictions depending on car, you'd need to have said restriction per car, not a clean sweep.

Well, this just lets the server do it per player. So CTRA could look at the player and his/her car and set the restrictions depending on car or driver skill.

It be a nice way for a license server system to create closer races, i.e. restrict the players based on past performance and dole out points according to race results and restrictions in place.
Another issue is that on said server, the GTR's make up the GTR class, and the GT2's, so on race join, a button would come up asking "GT2 or GTR" and said player would click what he wants and it would automatically adjust restriction.

Heck, that sounds ****ing amazing.
Player structure to contain voluntary handicaps...

struct IS_NPL // New PLayer joining race (if PLID already exists, then leaving pits)
byte Size; // 76
byte Type; // ISP_NPL
byte ReqI; // 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_NPL request
byte PLID; // player's newly assigned unique id
byte UCID; // connection's unique id
byte PType; // bit 0 : female / bit 1 : AI / bit 2 : remote
word Flags; // player flags
char PName[24]; // nickname
char Plate[8]; // number plate - NO ZERO AT END!
char CName[4]; // car name
char SName[16]; // skin name - MAX_CAR_TEX_NAME
byte Tyres[4]; // compounds
byte H_Mass; // added mass (kg)
byte H_TRes; // intake restriction
byte Model; // driver model
byte Pass; // passengers byte
int Spare;
byte Sp0;
byte NumP; // number in race (same when leaving pits, 1 more if new)
byte V_Mass; // added mass (kg)
byte V_TRes; // intake restriction
Aha, that might be a way (sorta how becky wanted to do it in early CTRA testing), is use licence plate to decide if someone was GT2 or GTR...
(Dygear) DELETED by XCNuse : thread hijack/overly O/T

InSim Suggestions..
(9 posts, started )