The online racing simulator
relative split times
(18 posts, started )
relative split times
hi, i want to suggest relative split times for qualifying and for hotlap mode like in f1....

relative gaps in hotlap mode should be to the wr...

relative gaps in qualy mode should be to the current pole time...

it would be nice if it would be small under the split times in green for faster and in red for slower... i think there are much possibilities


EDIT: i thought like this in screenshot
Attached images
I like this idea! Go Scawen
#3 - Nobo
yeah that would be good and in race it should show the gap to the front man and the man behind under the split times. You should be able to set that in preferences, because some may annoy this
yeah great idea nobo

I'd like that too. I'm not the fastest driver in LFS, but in a race it would be nice to be able to see my split to see if I am making up or losing ground between the other racers ahead or behind me.
#6 - HaiQu
yep, i like this idea too
Scawen is this possible?
Wehaa great Idea, pls Scawen, do it !!

+1 to this.
this should not be very hard, in fact i think it's always possible to do this through InSim, and with the new button subsystem you should be able to extend the lfs ui to display timing info.
good idea
yes i find its a very good idea...
well you can see it in the names-list while racing. i always watch this...

so no need for me (sorry trecky)
@lordi: you cant see the split times of the other racers so you have no point how fast you are in relation in qualy or hotlap mode per split
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :@lordi: you cant see the split times of the other racers so you have no point how fast you are in relation in qualy or hotlap mode per split

oops sorry, i got it all wrong
#15 - Nobo
Quote from LordBlaster :well you can see it in the names-list while racing. i always watch this...

so no need for me (sorry trecky)

Personally i only focus more or less on the middle of the screen i cant see those tiny gaps down there, and i always have a look at my tires, so cant see them

The rest trekker already said :P
+1^nice idea trekker :P

this feature would be useful yes yes
nice idea. Not much work i guess and would be a very nice feature. One of the things i miss in lfs usally this is a must have for a racing simulator. we need it !! go scawen go!

relative split times
(18 posts, started )