The online racing simulator
Naruto Anime Skin request for UF1
(13 posts, started )
#1 - favzy
Naruto Anime Skin request for UF1
Im looking for sum1 who can make me a decent naruto skin for the UF1 if i upload a few images. Unfortunately im rely not that gud with photoshop and paint is absolute crap for skins so i was hoping sum1 cud make one for me. Wot wud be cool is for the base colour to be black with sum guy in an image i got goin down the sides with sum lightning. Just the Naruto anime logo on the roof and the word "Hellfire" in fiery writing on the bonet. If sum1 cud do that for me it wud b great i roughly got the images (except the word hellfire in fiery writing) and if u want to go creative i rely don't mind i jus wanna keep the theme of naruto mainly. If its too complicated jus simplify it a bit. Unfortunately i haven't found a decent one similar to this so i was hoping sum1 cud make it.

Sorry not to respond to your request, but I'm only willing to point out that perhaps you could use a bit more proper English writing. (write it not the way you pronounce it)

Thank you.
#3 - favzy
Sorry about that. I mainly typed that just before i had to go out so i was in a hurry. It's a lot quicker for me to type that paragraph in slang rather than in formal english.
#4 - favzy
No need for a skinner anymore
I kno im rely bad with PS but i managed to come up with this skin and its good enough for me. It's public so im posting it here . Enjoy u Naruto fans!
Attached images
hmm.. Don't know if that roof would be appreciated around here.. but overall it's not all that bad for a first time... Maybe if i have some time i'll see what i can trow together
#6 - favzy
Thnx for da reply n jus a cheeky pic XD. But ye thnx m8
Well this is what i've come up with I'm feeling a bit ill at the moment, so it kinda didn't got my full effort (sorry for that).

Hope you like it

(in 1024 and 2048)
Attached images
#8 - favzy
Ye its kl thnx m8!
Quote from favzy :I kno im rely bad with PS but i managed to come up with this skin and its good enough for me. It's public so im posting it here . Enjoy u Naruto fans!

Dont you need to rotate it ?
Yay here's my kinda update on this skin. Looks a bit betta i tink. Hope u guys lyk it 2
Attached images
Those flames are nice
Ty :d
sweet flames m8 looking good

Naruto Anime Skin request for UF1
(13 posts, started )