The online racing simulator
Got any pets?
(32 posts, started )
Got any pets?
Post them here!

Well i made one in the photography section, but a mod decided to lock it instead of moving it. Hopefully its better suited here? Even tho its still for PICTURES of your pets.


Heres my two dogs. Ones a 7 year old beagle named Boomer, the other one is a 5 year old pitt/lab mix named Katie, who thinks she is still a puppy.
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broken drum 002.jpg
broken drum 005.jpg
katie headband.JPG
uh oh!.bmp
1yr old jack russell - black lab mix. he's basically a 60lb jack russell.
I have two feathered friends. They are cute as hell. Love em to bits!
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Quote from glyphon :1yr old jack russell - black lab mix. he's basically a 60lb jack russell.

ROFL - So how many teeth has he managed to loosen as he does the standard Jack Russell head butt.

I have a Jack Russell cross but she's only about 20 pound but you still need to watch her when she's in full on leaping mode.

Nice dog's but definatly part Kangaroo......
Russell/Lab mix? Dang. I'm just trying to figure out the, umm, logistics there

Here's my 5 1/2 year old beagle named Chilli. She's a barrel of freakin' laughs mostly (especially when she's baying maniacally at door-knocking religious types - little dog (15kg), huge voice ), but this is her in a contemplative mood...
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Quote from Hankstar :Russell/Lab mix? Dang. I'm just trying to figure out the, umm, logistics there

Here's my 5 1/2 year old beagle named Chilli. She's a barrel of freakin' laughs mostly (especially when she's baying maniacally at door-knocking religious types - little dog (15kg), huge voice ), but this is her in a contemplative mood...

Yay for beagles! i gots one too (top post).

Quote :
I have a Jack Russell cross but she's only about 20 pound but you still need to watch her when she's in full on leaping mode.

I know what you mean. I used to have a jack russel, and man could she jump high!
Quote from Racer X NZ :ROFL - So how many teeth has he managed to loosen as he does the standard Jack Russell head butt.

haha...3 on me and 2 on my wife
2 of my 3 pets (4 if you count EmmyLou )

The bunny is 'Smokey', almost three years old and nearly fat enough for Sunday lunch , and the doggie is my baby, 'Honey', nearly 12 yrs young and still a puppy at heart and the most affectionate animal anywhere!
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my shetland

sorry the picture it slightly blurry, it was hard enough to get him to keep still
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We're picking up our new puppy a week on Saturday. It's a Bernese Mountain Dog, and we're planning on calling it Toby.

Here is a video clip of various Bernese puppies and dogs to show how cute, and eventually big, they are.

I can't wait!

Here is a pic of 'my' puppy from last weekend (when my parents went to view/choose him).
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Quote from tristancliffe :We're picking up our new puppy a week on Saturday. It's a Bernese Mountain Dog, and we're planning on calling it Toby.

My old landlord had one of those, 'king giant thing he was. Very friendly but had a weird habit of sneaking up on people and then leaning on them to get attention. It's quite difficult to hold a conversation with your landlord when mid-sentence you get knocked over!

I think he was a rescue dog or something though, had issues with enclosed spaces and it bit their daughter once when she was trying to put him in the back of her van. Hospital job and the dog had to be destroyed.
Quote from thisnameistaken :My old landlord had one of those, 'king giant thing he was. Very friendly but had a weird habit of sneaking up on people and then leaning on them to get attention. It's quite difficult to hold a conversation with your landlord when mid-sentence you get knocked over!

Yes, they do that! it's great. When 8 stone of dog sits on your foot and leans on your leg you don't have much choice but to tickle their ears!

99% of the time they are gentle giants, as you say. Very placcid. But get one in the wrong mood and it'll quite easy dismember someone if it wanted to, so you have to use a bit of respect (as with all dogs, which are hunting, killing, meat eating machines genetically).
(al heeley) DELETED by al heeley
My 11Y old cat. He's very intelligent and a Macho.
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a few of mine
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family at the beach.jpg
On the farm.jpg
The Stare.jpg
Resident lizard.jpg
A dog

The first picture is the parrents (father infront)
Second is the one we get.
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Quote from Glenn67 :a few of mine

Is that a kangaroo or a wobbly? Actually what's the difference between a kangaroo and a wobbly - is it just that wobblys are smaller?
What's a wobbly?
He means wallaby, but it's funnier called it a wobbly
Quote from thisnameistaken :Is that a kangaroo or a wobbly? Actually what's the difference between a kangaroo and a wobbly - is it just that wobblys are smaller?

Its a Wallaby and yes they are alot smaller than Kangaroos in general. This species of Wallaby grows to about 2-3 feet high where Grey Kangaroo grows to about 4 -5 feet and Red Kangaroos can grow to 7 feet.

a Wobbly is it a baby Wallaby that is abit wobbly on its feet?
I see, all I could find was some workers union stuff...and that was the funny part? Or do they wobble...
My new cat:


Got any pets?
(32 posts, started )