Strange clutch problem
(3 posts, started )
Strange clutch problem
So, i was just racin about when the clutch just disengaged itself and wont go back. I am using autoclutch and sequential shifter, which has worked properly up until now. I recalibrated the axes because the gas peddle was a little off, went back to the race and the clutch just deactivated and stayed that way.. i could change gears, give gas, but of course no forward movement!!

I exited LFS, tried again, drove a bit and voila.. again!! And i tried the same a few more times.

Anyone have any ideas?!?
Well,, actually i dont need any help.. ivr figured it out.
I also have a joystick connected to my comp which i calibrated as the clutch but i havent gotten around to making a pedal for it so it hasnt been in use.. although it has been connected.
It seems that when i recalibrated the axis because of my pedal problem i forget to recalibrate the joystick which is sitting under the table, hence the strange clutch problem.
But it still seems strange that it would cause a problem given that i am currently using 'autoclutch'.

Anyways.. thats it!
#3 - Davo
hehe i've done the same thing with my g25, when recalibrating forgot about the clutch and couldn't move and was cursing lol

Strange clutch problem
(3 posts, started )