The online racing simulator
Snetterton trackday 11th March 2007
(18 posts, started )
Snetterton trackday 11th March 2007
First trackday for me of the season, I'll be riding like the wind for the LFS massive.

Entry is free (to spectate), feel free to come along and cheer/point/wave/laugh/take pics/videos

The plan is too get my left knee down this time
#4 - JTbo
Hopefully there is dry weather, I think that you were riding a Bike there, right?

It will be at least month or maybe more until our season opens here and will be bit longer until I get car serviced so that can take track day, but surely have to do those this summer as last summer had none of that fun.
Yes, my bike, and yes, I hope it's dry too, but if it isn't, no biggie, I need to get more experiance of riding in the wet anyway
hmm, tis the day after i get back from california....should i or shouldnt i
Awesome! =)

Have fun, wish I was riding now =)

Ahhhh MAN, you were there? why didn't you come and say hello mate?

AWESOME PICS, I just can't believe you didn't come and say hello
is that u on those pics danowat?
Quote from danowat :Ahhhh MAN, you were there? why didn't you come and say hello mate?

AWESOME PICS, I just can't believe you didn't come and say hello

He is a proper stalker, great pics though
Quote from kiss me :is that u on those pics danowat?

Sure is

Was an AWESOME day, weather was great for it
i took a walk through the pits, but couldnt find ya(and no, it wasnt your session)

was good fun though, deleted a load of shite pics but oh well. also forgot my monopod.
hope the guy that crashed is ok too, took him off in an ambulance, and didnt hear anything else from it.
you did pretty well mate, id say one of the fastest in your group, but you got held up so much, and seemed to have a fear of just throwint it up the inside.
Yeah, I was toying with the idea of moving up to the inters at lunchtime, but didn't, for certain next time though, no more novice group, I was certainly one of the fastest, did sooooo much overtaking, but when you are on the track with clear novices, you just want to pass them when there is enough room because they are pretty unpredicatable at the best of times.

We were at pit garage number 5, right up the end, was a real shame to miss ya

Yeah, was quite a good day for accidents really, I assume that was the guy who came off just before lunch?, he was in the fast group and they red flagged that session, so he was deffo hurt.

Likely, I didn't see any offs in the inters, although my knee sliders are now completely gone, time for a new pair
My girlfriend went and took some too

NIIIICE!!!, those boys on them Hornet cup bikes are loonies
cool bike danowat !!

Snetterton trackday 11th March 2007
(18 posts, started )