The online racing simulator
Looks damn complicated to buy S2
(30 posts, started )
Looks damn complicated to buy S2
Yeah it's getting boring to be a Demo Race (After only 2 weeks^^) so I want to buy S2. But can someone translate me Deustch to english please? I would like to buy right now but on the website ( they say me it's 24 euros and on the deutsch (or whatever you write it...) it says 36 euros... Can someone help?
#2 - Gunn
24 British Pounds = 36 Euros = 55.6 Canadian Dollars.
Do people ever notice the difference between £, € and $ They really are very different, and of very different monetary values.
#4 - Davo
I can't wait for the day there's a global currency. No dumbasses that don't know symbols and how to convert. LFS will just be 24 'credits'
Quote from Davo :I can't wait for the day there's a global currency. No dumbasses that don't know symbols and how to convert. LFS will just be 24 'credits'

sorta like the Euro?, well i for one am glad the UK didnt buy into that idea, long live the pound!
I'm not a rocket scientist (although I can instruct some of my lab people to synthesis hydrazine...) but exchange rates and different currencies are hardly that damn complicated to cope with, are they? Managing to live in a state that embraces 2 different mother tongues seems a lot more complicated to me than buying a PC game online.
Quote from Davo :I can't wait for the day there's a global currency. No dumbasses that don't know symbols and how to convert. LFS will just be 24 'credits'

Not to Euros or Dollars or Pounds, because if that happens i will be poor
Quote from al heeley :I'm not a rocket scientist (although I can instruct some of my lab people to synthesis hydrazine...) but exchange rates and different currencies are hardly that damn complicated to cope with, are they? Managing to live in a state that embraces 2 different mother tongues seems a lot more complicated to me than buying a bloody PC game online.

You tell 'em Al. (inserted correct expletive)
no that was just your mom yelling at a hen
$55?!?!?!?!?! Who said I was going to buy this game illepall
I think theres a limit to be arnaked too... a game here is around 30-40$ and that thing is 55$
#16 - Jakg
a game here is £30, and LFS is £24 - whaddya mean?
Quote from Jakg :a game here is £30, and LFS is £24 - whaddya mean?

No, a game here is more often than £40 or £45.
Sadly the pound is strong, the currency conversion does you no favours. If you live in the UK, £24 is cheap for a game. Best get it now, if you wait until S3, LFS will be £36 which is potentially a lot to shell out. Better to pay in installments if it's tough on the wallet.
Yeah, $55 seems like quite a lot, but most PS & Xbox games are $50-70 these days. And I've spent more time on LFS than all my PS games combined
55$ for a game? thats ... normal (for a PS2 game)

plus its a lifetime game, and free updates and services

really good deal if you ask me
#21 - JTbo
Quote from FOGlegsy :sorta like the Euro?, well i for one am glad the UK didnt buy into that idea, long live the pound!

No, I prefer Buckazoids, thanks to spankmeyer

Game that offers fun for more than 5 years, if you count price per year, that is not too much, or price per day well that is something insanely little amount of money.
Now of course it is not just 5 years this game keeps you busy, surely next 3 years so that is already 8 years of fun with 55, now if you go at evening to streetcorner and pick up that girl with mini skirt you might get fun for 8 minutes for that amount of money, but I doubt that it will be that long
Quote from Riders Motion :$55?!?!?!?!?! Who said I was going to buy this game illepall

err, you did, in your first post in this thread.
Let me remind you;
Quote :Yeah it's getting boring to be a Demo Race (After only 2 weeks^^) so I want to buy S2.

Life must be very complicated for you. Maybe you need to go lie down a while and let us get on with all the difficult stuff, like breathing.
Oups sorry about that.. forgot to disconnect my account on couzin's comp.

I'm gonna get it like 1-2 weeks (time to get the credit card)

I just forgot to connect on before cliking on Purchase
Quote from al heeley :Life must be very complicated for you. Maybe you need to go lie down a while and let us get on with all the difficult stuff, like breathing.

Hittin' your stride now.
#25 - joen
Quote from Riders Motion :
I'm gonna get it like 1-2 weeks (time to get the credit card)

There are other ways to purchase besided using a credit card. Just in case you didn't know.