The online racing simulator
#1 - MR_B
DFP with Toca RD 3 - A little help needed
Good evening all, hope you're all well. I've got a little question for you.

I started playing Toca Race Driver 3 last night after my g/f bought it for me for christmas, and even though it hasn't got an inch on how good LFS is I would like to get my dfp working to within a very similar way it works in LFS. What settings do any of you use to replicate it and/or what settings do you suggest I use to get it working right.

Thanks for your time, back in a bit.

#2 - dadge
i have that game too, i tend to set the max lock to 360° because i find the cars un-steerable with any more lock. i don't change any ffb settings in my wheel hardware and i don't change the settings in the game either.

if there were a low grip cheat then imo this game would be much better. i tend to make setups for the car to give as little grip so it is more of a challenge hehehe, but when driving monster trucks, setups don't really matter.
#3 - MR_B
I've decided to dump the wheel and pick up the PS2 pad :P

Oh and I've set my eyes on a lovely little game called GPL Smile
#4 - ajp71
Honestly TRD3 is never going to give FF anywhere near as good as the canned FF based on what the car is doing let alone on the torque of the steering rack (LFS/RBR/GPL style) because it simply doesn't simulate enough to do so. Have the latest TRDs got proper FF wheel support or is it all centring spring + rumble effects?
all it haves TRD3 is sampled FF efects, adn during the shor time i played that game i felt the precision with the my steering wheel(DFP) was horrible.
the game with best FF efects i think its RBR Tilt great game.