The online racing simulator
List your PB's for As National GTR class here
What the other dudes have said.
or not at all
lol Shazam Boss won that. But really, why don't you invite us to race with you and see how well you do with some good ol' clean racing bumper to bumper style.
#8 - Goop
that's strange... with a team name like that *cough*, i would have thought your exploits and lap times would be widely known, and there would be no need for chest-beating?
yeah... its strange to see someone from a team that has pretty much mastered aston national making such a post... drunk or high maybe?

plus its not like he's a newbie thats never heard of lfsworld.
Spankmeyer votes to :slap: tommy10101 (Press 1)
The End votes to :slap: tommy10101 (press 1)
man, last time i raced the GTR class in as nat, half a year ago, 1.45 was a GOOD time....
He better be fast ,having done 2887 laps on that track. :eclipseeh
Maybe it's time to try out a different track Tommy?

edit : just checked ..he did 16167km on AS national of his total of 28170km. Quite some dedication to a single car/track combo.
Quote from Noccy :He better be fast ,having done 2887 laps on that track. :eclipseeh
Maybe it's time to try out a different track Tommy?


I have to do that combo anyway, for the CD LFS GTR League, so my laps statistics are probably gonna go up a little bit.

Just did it tonight well pleased

Much room to improve
#18 - VoiD