The online racing simulator
How To Create A Screenshot In LFS
To create a screenshot

1. Get the picture right in LFS

2. Press the button on your keyboard called "Print

3. Open Ms paint

4. Go to the drop down menu "Edit" and clck on paste

5. Now go to the drop down menu File and click on "Save As"

6. Now give it a name and change
the drop down menu"Save as type" from 24-bit Bitmap to JPEG

7. Now upload it on the LFS Forums (here) or Photobucket or Imageshack
or any image uploading place

8. If you uploaded it anywhere else than the LFS Forums go to the hyperlink icon and paste the link there

9. Now click "OK"

10. You have finished!!
#2 - Jakg
you might want to use some JPEG Compression while your there...
For heavens's sake do NOT put anything else than jpg, gif or png in web
Funny, it's the only way I know to create a screenshot for anything, but I suppose it's new to some people.
For screenshots, google search for FSScreen.exe. It's a very small program running around 25k or so. Run it, hit print screen and a BMP shot is automatically saved in the FSScreen directory. Then use Photoshop, PaintShop Pro, Gimp, whatever to convert, resize, and compress to jpeg. I personally use Thumbsplus for photo enhancement and converting. Or Irfanview, which is completely freeware and VERY powerful.

One thing I really hate is when folks run huge resolutions, take screenshots, and don't resize when putting them on the web. A shot resized to 800x600 by a photo editor looks much better than that shot autoresized in IE when a 20000x40000 shot is viewed on a 1024x768 resolution. 800x600 should be the standard size to resize to if putting it up on the web, IMO.
#6 - Jakg
i use Grabby (like whatever is said in the post above, but has slightly more features, and uses slightly more power - last updated in 2001 but i don't care!), and then use "Windows Picture Resizer" ('twas a powertoy from M$, it runs from right-clicking on an image - convenient!) to resize to 1280*1024 (which compresses it as well), although for more important pics i use Photoshop>Save For Web, as it gets better results, but Photoshop takes about 5 secs to load, and i normally just can't be bothered