The online racing simulator
LAN Question
(5 posts, started )
#1 - Mark.
LAN Question
Before you ask, yes i have searched, and followed the guid thing.

I set it all up to what seems correct, yet when i click "go" on the PC trying to connect, it just says "connecting" then after about 10 seconds, it goes back to where you click "go" without any error messages. Same happens when the other PC is hosting.

Both are S2.

It worked when both were on the demo version awhile ago, and just out of curiosity, i made another version of LFS on each PC, leaving them at the demo version, and the same thing happend.

Any ideas to whats missing or happening?

Did your software firewall if you use one allowed new LFS "installed" exe to connect to the network-internet?
#3 - Mark.
Yeah, it did that the first time i went online with S2. I tried disabling it incase too, but it didnt work.
If you're hosting a game you'll have to make additional changes to your firewall, especially if you have a LAN to LAN firewall.
#5 - Mark.
Quote from the_angry_angel :If you're hosting a game you'll have to make additional changes to your firewall, especially if you have a LAN to LAN firewall.

Like i said, i disabled it, and the same thing happend. Also, it worked perfectly before when i tried it without needing to change anything

LAN Question
(5 posts, started )