The online racing simulator
#1 - Yanny
Error popups in-game
I noticed that every time i load lfs i kept getting some errors on the start of the menu. The errors are related the rendering. Anyways those are the errors:

CreateRednerTarget failed (MS4) : MIRROR~T
CreateRednerTarget failed (MS4) : RENDER~TX

I should mention that if i have an account singed in, in the game there is no loading black screen like it usually is. But when i dont have an account singed in, in the game there is a black loading screen which is weird to me. Could be a bug or something
Yeah, I have those same errors since a couple years ago. It only shows up when I use laptop with integrated intel hd 4600 gpu, which is inside the i7 cpu. Nothing to worry about, it's just a warning.
#3 - Yanny
Quote from rane_nbg :Yeah, I have those same errors since a couple years ago. It only shows up when I...

Alright then. btw are u serbian cause im actually half serbian and half slovenian

Error popups in-game
(3 posts, started )