The online racing simulator
(25 posts, started )
I am working on a telemetry tool to record and display charts with various data, based on my Godot InSim library. Here's an example screenshot of recorded data:

This tool allows you to record full laps and display the data, or just arbitrary bits of driving by starting and stopping the recording. It uses OutSim and OutGauge for recording, which require either cockpit view or custom view to work properly. This also means you can only record your own car while driving, or any car in an SPR replay (no recording is possible in MPR).

You can find more info and download links on the GitHub repository.

Feel free to give it a try and give some feedback! Please do note that this is still a work in progress though.

Quick guide:
Use the Recording tab to connect to InSim and record data. There is a help button to explain the settings, you can leave everything blank as long as you set the appropriate values in the cfg.txt file.
The app saves .tlm files for each completed lap (incomplete laps work too). After recording, you can use the Telemetry tab to open up to 2 laps (main and reference), the reference lap will appear in gray.

For now I would recommend official layouts for lap comparison, as the charts are plotted against OutSim's indexed distance (the official track length), and as custom layouts lack this indexed distance, they use the distance traveled by the car instead, which varies from lap to lap. I am working on a way to recompute the indexed distance from a .pth file (this part works), and also considering a way to generate a .pth file from a recorded lap (not sure how feasible this one is).

Note that there is no real-time display of telemetry at this time, I'm not sure I will add this.
Right now telemetry does not display in real time, you first record a session, and then display it in the telemetry tab by loading a tlm file ( a file is created when you start recording and each time you cross the finish line).

Note: tlm files are recorded by default to %appdata%\Godot\app_userdata\LFSTelemetry\tlm, and the file dialog should open there when you try to load a file.

Small gotcha if you record a hotlap replay: crossing the finish line to start the first hotlap does not trigger a new lap event from InSim, so if you start recording "too early", the line will jump across the entire chart. I suggest either waiting for the lap to start (losing a few data points in the process) or slowing the replay down to catch the start of the lap, then resuming normal speed (you can even record in fast forward with no issue as long as your computer manages).

Disclaimer: I took some heavy inspiration from MoTeC screenshots I found here and there for chart display.
The image isn't showing. You can upload it as an attachment to the first post.
Woops, didn't notice as it displayed fine on my end, fixed the URL, thanks for letting me know.
I am having problem with rendering the app. Can you make a check box to disable the hardware acceleration somehow? (Possibly having the hardware acceleration OFF as default since I see like this and can't navigate through the UI)

Weird, never seen that kind of garbled UI with Godot apps. What GPU do you have?
In any case, I just added an OpenGL version (instead of Vulkan) to the v0.2 release, can you give it a try?
Quote from Bokujishin :Weird, never seen that kind of garbled UI with Godot apps. What GPU do you have?
In any case, I just added an OpenGL version (instead of Vulkan) to the v0.2 release, can you give it a try?

Laptop with AMD Radeon 520M. I had this issue with Spotify some time ago and it was fixed when I disabled the hardware acceleration from the settings. Also I am trying whatever is latest on your github.
I'll have a look but I don't think there is any way to remove hardware acceleration from a Godot app (it is a game engine first and foremost, after all), but the OpenGL version should have better compatibility. I added it to the latest release, direct link here if you prefer.
If this still doesn't work though, I'm not sure I can do anything else.
Quote from Bokujishin :I'll have a look but I don't think there is any way to remove hardware...

Same thing.
#9 - gu3st
I don't think software rendering for DX/OGL/Vulkan is a thing these days
Okay I fixed the visual glitch. Another problem tho.. I am not sure how to turn on the recording stuff and display data. I changed the stuff as listed in my cfg.txt file to this:
OutSim Mode 2
OutSim Delay 1
OutSim IP
OutSim Port 29997
OutSim ID 0
OutSim Opts 1ff
OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 29998
OutGauge ID 0

I tried driving in Singleplayer & Hotlap with "Recording" button ON. Nothing shows up in the telemetry. I also tried watching SPR (Singleplayer Replay) while Recording. Nothing again
Good to hear you got the visual glitch resolved. By the way, you can leave everything empty in the recording section, it defaults to those values anyway.
The data is recorded through OutSim (and OutGauge for ABS/TC), but unfortunately OutSim only outputs data when you are in cockpit view or custom view, so outside views will result in holes in the data.
I tried that too and still nothing. What I do is.

Connect to Insim -> Start Recording -> While being in Windowed Mode I drive in First Person Mode on Singleplayer, I try to switch to Telemetry to see if something shows up WHILE recording but nothing shows up. I try the same after I stop recording. Again. Nothing shows up. I try the same but while watching SPR in First person mode, Recording -> watching telemetry, nothing shows up.

Can you record a quick video how you do it?
Is it something with loading the .tlm files from Main Lap/ Refference? I can't find any files, maybe nothing is being saved after I stop recording?

I Tried running as administrator and nothing again.
Ah yes, apologies, I did not explain how to use the tool at all, will add that to the first post.

Right now telemetry does not display in real time, you first record a session, and then display it in the telemetry tab by loading a tlm file ( a file is created when you start recording and each time you cross the finish line).

You should not need to run as administrator, tlm files are recorded by default to %appdata%\Godot\app_userdata\LFSTelemetry\tlm, and the file dialog should open there when you try to load a file.

Small gotcha if you record a hotlap replay: crossing the finish line to start the first hotlap does not trigger a new lap event from InSim, so if you start recording "too early", the line will jump across the entire chart. I suggest either waiting for the lap to start (losing a few data points in the process) or slowing the replay down to catch the start of the lap, then resuming normal speed (you can even record in fast forward with no issue as long as your computer manages).
Nothing really saves. Do a quick video please
Here you go:
I recorded this on Linux (I only have a Windows virtual machine and nothing really works on it), but it should otherwise work exactly the same.
As long as your cfg.txt is set up properly, you have InSim running in LFS, and the recording tab shows "Connected", you should be able to record and then load data (I renamed the tlm folder so the app would create a new one before recording).

From your last screenshot, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, so maybe it's something in your cfg.txt? You can also try to run the Telemetry from cmd/powershell, you should see some debug info; maybe something goes wrong when you try to load a lap, if you have laps recorded at all.

Edit: Also, make sure that LFS is not running when you edit the cfg.txt file, as LFS will only read it on startup, and write to it again on shutdown, so it will ignore your changes and then erase them.
not working like turbo said
OK, that was my bad, I forgot Windows was picky about file names (can't have : in the names).
Here's a link to the fixed version.
I'm not able to give it Frown how can I show data?

Mine is the same as the Superlame, with all cars
I tested with our mod and with XRT and both don't work Frown

But I'm using the cockpit version (in fact, I only use this one)
Did you download the latest version? (hotfix for file names) Recording would fail on Windows before that.
I just checked on a Windows 10 install I have lying around, and it works as intended there. Check the video I posted for @superlame a few posts back if needed.
If you still cannot get recordings to work, could you please try and launch the tool from cmd or PowerShell, and post the log here after recording and trying to load data?
When it arrives I'll see it then Smile
I'll give you some feedback later.💪
HELLO 😁, the problem continues.😪
I had downloaded it from the same place you said and it is the same.
Is there a tutorial or something like that to follow how everything is done to see if I did something wrong?🤔
Quote from joaopaulopt :HELLO 😁, the problem continues.😪
I had downloaded it from the same place you said and it is the same.
Is there a tutorial or something like that to follow how everything is done to see if I did something wrong?🤔

Hello Smile
I saw late that there is a video about "installation" and I tried again to follow all the same steps, but it is not reading data Frown I'm going to try to delete everything that has in the APP data to test a new one, will it work?
I was able to give, I'm sorry for something Smile Thanks for the support Smile
Hi, glad you got it working! Did you simply delete all files related to the app? I believe that as long as you download version 0.2.1, and follow along the above video, everything should be working (I just checked again on an old Windows PC and it works fine). Feel free to tell me if you have any other issue.

(25 posts, started )