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e30.Machine Team
Mudur 325
Demo licensed
e30.Machine Team

e30.Machine Team was founded by müdür and myself on November 16th, 2008. We founded it with the goal of becoming an elite racing team as well as be an extremely active team in the community participating in and hosting all kinds of events.

The team is run in a unique way different from most of the big race teams. It consist of three divisions, race, drift, and cruise. All members of the team have the ability to join our drift and cruise division. Our race division is much more strict in who is accept. Our racing division is our biggest priority for the entire team.

We host a 24/7 LFS server as well as teamspeak. We're currently searching for sponsors or any teams that would like to form a partenership to help us get off the ground. We would like to get a sponsor to give us $5 per month just to host a private practice server for our race division so the money isn't coming out of our pockets. We are also looking for somebody that can build us a more professional website/forum and domain in return for a sponsorship (or possibly money if you can do it cheap). I am willing to answer any questions and give more information about the team if needed. If you're interested please contact me.


My other Accounts:

Web Sites:
LFS: e30.Machine Professional Team

Hope to see you around [e30.Machine],