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S2 licensed
I guess I have to get my desktop computer working again, to test patch Q. It only runs in safe-mode, and crash whenever I use my keyboard.
Edit: That is whenever runing my computer, not related to LFS at all. (end edit)
Quote from deggis :What rumours are there about the rallypack anyways? Any official or half-official info? I think it would be just waste of resources. LFS should concentrate on racing not rallying. Let's leave rallying for RBR.

I dont see the big differece in racing rallycross and rallying, except in rallycross you go round the same track several times, and rallying you do several course from A to B, also while rallying you mainly race against the clock, and compare the different times after the race.

I know there are a few different rules for cars enering a competition, but it's still driving a car on gavel, tarmark, and/or other surfaces. I think rally in LFS can wait for S3 or even a later stage. I would rather welcome more weather i LFS, like rain/snow/ice, and a fewe tires to cope with that.

I guess RBR = Richard Burns Rally, yes it's great! Also Xpand Rally is great! I bought gForce6 only because of them a year ago or so, while LFS stil was at S1, my old gForce2 was enough for LFS. But RBR needed som harware feature, and XR just needed more powerfull hardware.
Last edited by thelleha, .