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Quote from Hyperactive :lerts, making double accounts is not allowed

who is this lerts person? It's not me.
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Quote from Becky Rose :hehe @ "some kind of hologram technology"
Funny, but It's also the point where I stopped reading because humour posts about such a dark subject is in poor taste.

There is nothing humorous about my post.
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Quote from S14 DRIFT :No offense, but this was like, 7 years ago? Y'all need to get a life and move on. Let the people and their families rest in peace without the past being dragged through the mud.

That's exactly the attitude the 9/11 perpetrators want you to have.
Alaskan Magnetometers Detect Glitches With 9/11 Events
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With the current financial problems plaguing the United States and the world, it is important for the following new evidence of September 11, 2001 to be taken seriously. Those who control the energy, control the world. 9/11 was orchestrated with free energy exotic technologies that have been weaponized and used against us. If developed and publicized properly, this technology can revolutionize the world by removing oil and gas as primary sources of fuel. Please continue reading.

Dr Judy Wood, a former assistant professor of mechanical engineering from Clemson University, has been compiling an enormous amount of data relating to the 9/11 events. Her recent work reveals glitches in Alaskan magnetometer data coinciding with each 9/11 event, including plane-shaped holes appearing in the towers. How could a plane crash in NYC cause a shift in the earth’s magnetic field 4000+ miles away in Alaska? (HAARP is in Alaska.)

Although much speculation exists at to what, if not planes, New Yorker’s saw, the evidence suggests some type of hologram technology was used. See these quotes from 9/11 First Responders. (Source information here):

• Gary Smiley, FDNY paramedic, was carrying an injured woman across Church Street who kept yelling "plane" and Smiley recalled, "I looked up at that point, and that's when the second plane hit the South Tower. The explosion was unbelievable. It was right over my head. You didn't hear anything. People ask me sometimes, 'What did you hear?' I heard nothing. "

• Steven Bienkowski, NYPD Harbor Unit Scuba Team: "I happened to be sitting in the back left side of the (helicopter) ship. … We were on the southwest side of the South Tower, and I glanced over my shoulder and there came a United Airlines aircraft right at us, a little bit underneath where we were. And I do mean a little bit underneath us. It probably missed us by about three hundred feet, and it proceeded to fly right through the building, right in front of us. … I don't remember hearing an explosion, although it must have been extremely loud. I don't remember the helicopter moving...When that second plane went into the building, it just looked like an evil magician's trick. It looked nothing like what I would have imagined a plane crashing into a building would look like. The plane just completely disappeared and turned into a giant fireball. Being there was surreal."

This 1999 Washington Post article details the military’s “psychological operation hologram project”. This 1999 military document contains this quote: Completed feasibility studies for advanced camouflage and deception technologies using holography and digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) technologies.

The July/August 2000 edition of Technology Review magazine covers the TV networks and military’s ability to insert prerecorded video in live feed on the evening news. (Note the section on the “CNN Effect”.) The truth of the 9/11 “planes” was obvious to Peter Jennings. What the ABC news clip!

Not many know that Hurricane Erin was in the Atlantic Ocean in September of 2001. In fact, Erin was closest to NYC, and at its largest size, on 9/11 itself. This NASA photo taken on 9/11 reveals the proximity between Erin and New York. This animated graphic shows the location of the eye and its sharp 110° turn away from NYC. Here’s another photo. Interestingly, the National Hurricane Center projected Erin to be stronger than it projected Katrina to be four years later. Shouldn’t they have prepared the upper-east coast for this major storm? Weather reports at NYC airports indicated rain. How were they so sure Erin would make a sharp right-hand turn and head back out to sea? Erin was a controlled environment; a perfect example of weather control.

An amazing connection between hurricanes and “free energy” Tesla Coils has been discovered. This connection involves the Hutchison Effect, named after experimental scientist John Hutchison. Look here and note the many similarities. Scroll to 7:45 on this video for news footage covering the Hutchison Effect.

The 9/11 Truth Movement, Free ... e Global Elite’s Agenda” contains important information. The “truth movement” is actually a product of the perpetrators themselves and was setup with propaganda since day one. See “9/11: Distinguishing The Propaganda From The Smoking Guns” for details.

See here for evidence of directed energy weapons, molecular dissociation, and enormous amounts of potting soil trucked in/out of Ground Zero. Molecular dissociation continues to this day and Ground Zero is unsafe.

Did you know the government contracted with sponsors of the Directed Energy Professional Society for the fraudulent NIST report on the WTC destruction? These contractors include Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and Applied Research Associates (ARA).

A solution to insane gas prices?? Genepax, a new Japanese company, recently unveiled their prototype of a water powered car:
News link 1 - News link 2 - Reuters video

Now for some political information…

Christopher Story, editor of International Currency Review, reports that Tony Blair has ratted out Bush and many others to avoid arrest and life in jail.

The people controlling the world are criminals.

It turns out that Bush’s grandfather Prescott conspired to overthrow the Constitution, assassinate FDR, and turn the United States into a Nazi Camp. Here’s the July 2007 BBC report.

This video of investigative journalist John Buchanan details the documents discovered at the National Archives and Library of Congress implicating Prescott.

Quote from Washington Post: The Bush administration issued a pair of secret memos to the CIA in 2003 and 2004 that explicitly endorsed the agency's use of interrogation techniques such as waterboarding against al-Qaeda suspects -- documents prompted by worries among intelligence officials about a possible backlash if details of the program became public.

George W Bush quote: “If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.” VIDEO

John McCain quote: “If I were a dictator, which I've always aspired to be...” VIDEO

Barack Obama's economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee, is a member of the Skull and Bones Secret Society. Other members of Skull and Bones include Prescott Bush, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and John Kerry.

The $700B bailout bill is Unconstitutional.

Both McCain and Obama voted FOR the unconstitutional bailout bill.

Christopher Story, editor and publisher of International Currency Review, explains the $700B bailout was nothing more than on-the-books cash for the criminals’ new trading platform. Also see his report:
Secondary Sausages From The D. ... From The Primary Sausages

Quote From Forbes Magazine:
In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.

"It's not based on any particular data point," a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. "We just wanted to choose a really large number."

Associated Press - Sep 29, 200 ... subpoenas, investigations

Why did Bush Sr call for a New ... er on September 11, 1990?
9/11: Distinguishing The Propaganda From The Smoking Guns
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Someone in this forum linked to a 9/11 site where my articles are archived, so I thought to register and post this information for anyone interested:


9/11: Distinguishing The Propaganda From The Smoking Guns

By CB_Brooklyn
September 2008
(updated - see bottom)

(mirrored on

Seven years and the media still lies about 9/11. Disgraceful, isn’t it? A million leaflets, dozens of films, but continued silence. Why is this happening? Why hasn’t the truth movement’s work broken through the media’s lies? The answer relates to the material the “truth movement” promotes.

Vladimir Lenin, the first Communist dictator after the takeover of Russia in 1917, is widely credited with the following quotation, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." A look through the “Global Analysis - Inter ... Intelligence” archives reveal many comparisons between Lenin and Bush.

Those in control of the world have top-secret exotic technologies. These technologies could replace oil and gas, but instead have been weaponized. 9/11 was orchestrated with these technologies. They plan a police state culture and don’t mind if a limited number of people are exposed to the 9/11 propaganda, as long as the advanced technologies remain secret. See “The 9/11 Truth Movement, Fr ... lobal Elite’s Agenda” for full information.

Who controls the horizontal? Who controls the vertical? We know the corporate media to be our culture’s main source of news. Unfortunately though, our trustworthy media is completely controlled. Observe the graph below (sourced here) and note all this happened in just 20 years time. This chart details the corporations involved.

Did you know the Washington Post owns Newsweek? Or that the New York Times owns the Boston Globe? Believe it or not, getting the news “changed” to suit one’s preference isn’t that difficult. As this Saudi Prince and Rupert Murdoch know, all it requires is shares of a news agency and the owner’s phone number!

Not only do the media censor information, they’re a propaganda-promotion tool:

This March 2000 WorldNetDaily article gives some info on this. Note this quote: “…"psyops" (psychological operations) personnel, soldiers and officers, have worked in the CNN headquarters in Atlanta.” Why on earth would “PSYOPS soldiers” work at CNN? What possible purpose could they serve?

This April 2006 Washington Post article concerning the Iraq war reveals something too: “The documents explicitly list the "U.S. Home Audience" as one of the targets of a broader propaganda campaign.” Courtesy of the CNN PSYOPS Soldiers??

This June 2008 Washington Times article details Congress’ attempt to “ban Pentagon propaganda on the Iraq war”. What kind of system is this if Congress needs to create a bill to ban propaganda?

Tom Curley, President and CEO of the Associated Press, voiced his opinion: “9/11 attacks harm First Amendment”.

The perpetrators who orchestrated 9/11 are using these media-propaganda techniques to control the opposition.
The “truth movement” is the opposition.

Let’s start by sorting through some of the planted propaganda. Then we’ll examine the smoking gun evidence of exotic weapons, including a timeline of 9/11 events relevant to the technologies used. Following the timeline are some personal statements about a couple of individuals in the “truth movement”. In the final section, we’ll examine two non-9/11 “conspiracy theories”. These should help open up the mind to exotic weaponry should the reader still consider it science fiction. (Warning: The last section contains potentially upsetting material, and will permanently alter the average person’s perception of reality.)

* Lenin-inspired Propaganda *

Let’s look at four examples of this propaganda and how the media promote it. The reader will note that “prominent figures” within the “truth movement” who support the propaganda have affiliations with exotic weaponry and the Global Elite. See the “Global Elite Agenda” article (linked above) for a list of people who lost their lives as part of the cover-up.

Continued... ... &id=199&Itemid=60