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S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :just detach the wheels and put some felt patches (that you should get in any home improvement market, used for the legs of ordinary chairs) on them so you don#t scratch your floor. Not needed if you ahve a carpet though.

Sadly this chair is bizarre, without the wheels the central pistol so to speak, the one that controls the height of the chair, extends lower than the feet without castors. So without the wheels at the moment, im sitting on a central cylinder which is not good for the floor and means the chair wobbles around all over the place.

Just did 10 laps on Blackwood just now, and to be honest I think it's fine, it doesn't push the chair back as much as I thought
S2 licensed
Ha, used an old box to wedge the pedals, which works wonderfully

However now when I brake my chair on wheels rolls backwards lol that might be a little more tricky to wedge. I'll have to see if the manufacturer does any normal non wheel castors for the legs.
S2 licensed
D'oh! That is an excellent suggestion, I was too wrapped up in stopping the pedals from slipping.

The pedals are about 8 inches from the wall, so it is prime for something behidn to stop it slipping! Now to find something that will fit there
G25 Slipping Pedals Suggestions?
S2 licensed
Hi there, been playing LFS offline for a month or so, but last week moved into a new place.

Sadly it has very very smooth laminate flooring, I find myself under braking moving the pedals which in turn causes me not to brake and off I go.

I have tried mats etc. but I find it still slips, does anyone have any clue of any products that will let me create a very non slip base for the pedals?

The limitations are I cannot use anything that will nail, screw or glue to the floor. So it will have to be a material, like a mat of some sort.

Any help would be amazing, thank you.

Edit : Ah nuts sorry I just posted this in the wrong section, thought I was in the Hardware/Wheel section. Apologies.
Last edited by NDawn, . Reason : Wrong Forum
S2 licensed
Hi there!

My name is Peter, have been out of driving sims for a long time, a couple of years or more. I used to play GP4 and Colin Mcrae (R.I.P) 2 for a long time, on at the time was a relatively nice Microsoft wheel.

I have recently built a new PC and apart from playing several genres of games, I have decided I would really love to get back into driving sims (fair enough GP4 and CMR2 aren't really sims) but I look forward to my G25 and a subscription with LFS

I hear and see an incredibly amount of praise on the forums I browse, so can only hope I am in the least bit capable (I don't drive in real life except for hiring vans when I need to move).
Anyway hello and hope everyone is having a great new year.

I'll be reading the newcomers section thoroughly over the coming days and trying out the demo also.