The online racing simulator
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S3 licensed
Thanks, it works!
Did you find a good controller setup? The ones I find on the community don't seem to work very well.
S3 licensed
Hey gu3st, can you tell me how you installed LFS on the Deck? I want to do the same but I have no experience in installing things that aren't in the Steam store.
S3 licensed
Quote from jaimevives :I've a cheap wheel that works out of the box, but I hardly use it... I usually play LFS offline with keyboard, jut for relaxing after work.

Just installed it and got my wheel to work again :-). It's great to drive again and now my son is old enough to enjoy it too :-)
S3 licensed
It's been long since I tried so things seem to have changed :-). And I don't know if the steering wheel will work.
S3 licensed
I was a big fan of this game. I was the one who hosted the Freaxx servers with my own created mods that forces the players to drive correctly: you weren't allowed to leave the pit if a racer was approaching, you were sent to the pits if you stood still on the track (but it was no problem if you were on the side), etc... etc... I had great fun creating those mods and lots and lots of people enjoyed my servers.

But then I lost interest and now I'm a full Linux user and the game doesn't work on Linux, which is sad because I really believe that shouldn't be a very hard port to create. Also, I became too lazy and can't bring myself to sit at a desk behind my Logitech G27 steering wheel anymore. I only game with my laptop on my lap, so games that need the mouse are a no go too.

What I remember most is that I did some of those very very long race tracks and did them for 50 laps or more, trying to drive every lap perfectly, trying to use the pits optimally. For me that was an enormously RELAXING experience and I am still looking for games that give me that same relaxing feel. Kingdom: New Lands has the same relaxing experience for me. I hoped that Ultimate Driving 2D (top down racer) would have the same effect but the game really can't compare to LFS at all.
Last edited by scippie, .
Vuzix support?
S3 licensed
I am very interested in buying the when it comes out. It looks like a great thing to have for gaming.

But I don't know what the support for games is. In LFS, I want to be able to use the VR head tracking of these glasses to look around before turning left or right (T1 in any track at race start? )

So I wonder, will I be able to use this head tracker in LFS?
And a little bit off-topic: will it work in other games like Silent Hill and the like. I'm worried that it will only work on a small collection of games that are designed for it.
S3 licensed
Quote from mkinnov8 :Are you talking about the Z3 dedi?

Yes. I don't remember having the problem with Z2, but maybe it never came up.

Ok, these are the steps to reproduce. This is on a windows 2003 server web edition, I don't know if it's on every windows version:
  1. Reboot the machine (important, after one correct time, it always seems to work)
  2. Put this config in a file (for example, it's not only on this one):
    //description=WE1 Rank
    /host=^J^4Á^7rea^3ÒÒ ^6WE1 Rank

  3. Start lfs with parameter /cfg=aboveconfigfile.txt
  4. "Unknown track"
If you place mode before track for example, it works fine, and from then on, every config, even with mode after track works fine (I run multiple servers so maybe the use of multiple instances solves the problem).

Using s2 instead of S2 doesn't make any difference.
And of course, using a demo configuration doesn't show the problem.
S3 licensed
Quote from Heiko1 :very little typo and BIG "error"

and not:

Same result...
LFS Dedicated Server "Unknown track"
S3 licensed
When starting up a dedicated server for the first time after a reboot with parameters for a S2 server, when the /mode=S2 parameter is AFTER the /track=... parameter, the server will not start with error message "Unknown track".

Sollution: put the /mode=S2 parameter BEFORE the /track=... parameter.

Bug occurs with command line AND config file.

For some reason, the problem is gone after doing it good once.
S3 licensed
Quote from Woz :Bet the race flew past and you enjoyed it though as you were having to work to find the gap

Not completely true: I think I did 3 races, always got stuck behind that guy . Then it's not so fun anymore .
S3 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :I agree. You did nothing wrong. In fact, what you did is an example of excellent race craft.

Ah well, I have made my share of mistakes too, so these things make up for the mistakes .
S3 licensed
I would like to know your opinions on this:

Yesterday, I was driving fairly good, and someone with a faster car (but not so good driver) was in front of me. I was constantly in his ass (not hitting) waiting for him to make a mistake so I could pass him. He didn't make any mistakes, so I had to finish 8th where my regular lap time (when I would have raced alone) would have finished me 5th.

BTW: The guy was mad at me because I made him nerveous. ??

But in reality, I could have been mad (I was just a little pissed off) because he wouldn't give me any chance to pass while he was so terribly slow.

I'm always very very careful (that's probably why I have never been banned or kicked in any S2 server), but being that careful costs me... (and even got me this angry guy yesterday)

What should I have done? Or am I doomed at that point and should I have searched for another LFS server?