The online racing simulator
Error: OOS - MPSVS(if Layout loaded on server)
(9 posts, closed, started )
Error: OOS - MPSVS(if Layout loaded on server)
I host my own server(4 lfs servers, 3 lappers, 1 VT server, and a web page)

When I load a layout on my server, i can drive, people can connect...

If me or someone else connect later(server empty), same track, same layout loaded, everyone loos sync with server when track loads again(see the track for 1 sec, and then: ™DB =WOLF=[NO] : OOS - MPSVS)

I also have a shitload of layouts saved in Server, but cant load them(from the server ofcourse), the are not recognized(same layouts I can load from my gaming comp.)

I guess all this trouble came after patch Ver.Y, anyone have same trouble, or have any idea of what the problem could be??

Im getting this error too with BL4 and a layout.
This happens on the LTC servers from time to time - normally after there has been a connection issue with the server.

Whenever the server has to re-add itself to the master server - is when this issue seems to occur.

Usually a /reinit cures the problem.

*adds to his to do list*
Yep that worked
#6 - b-dog
As soon as the server has no clients it will kick subsequent clients with OOS MPSVS.

The only workaround I've found is keeping a client connected at all times which is why I have to idle on my server.

If I had to guess, its something to do with NAT/port forwarding causing it.. but I haven't bothered chasing it down.

Quote :Hi,

Well I asked scawen about that specific message. You get it when during the
joining of a host some specific states on the host have changed. Like votes,
wind, lap and/or track settings. Settings like these must remain the same
while you first connect and interchange settings data with the host,
otherwise you get that message.

This shouldn't happen a lot though. But it can happen more often I guess
when there's lag (on your side or the hosts) resulting in a longer
connection setup time. I don't know if that's the case though.


My reply from the email
This is happening on our server all the time. Not often, just always .
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Error: OOS - MPSVS(if Layout loaded on server)
(9 posts, closed, started )