The online racing simulator
XFR - Endurance AS5
(3 posts, started )
XFR - Endurance AS5

Can anyone create or share setup for XFR for AS5 track? It's need to be endurance, what mean it's tires and stuff needs to be for long race.
I acctualy using it for cruising so one some parts of track i am not driving more than 160km/h and on some parts not more than 220 km/h. We can say that i dont need realy fast setup, but accelerations can be good. Thanks .
#2 - garph
If that's all you're gonna do just use a WR set (or any set up at all) with R4 tires.
Send PM to Kirill.D - C4Racing team used endu set for LFS GT. They drove couple of hours with it and their times were also good. But for you this set is very good.

XFR - Endurance AS5
(3 posts, started )