The online racing simulator
can someone animate some jpegs into a gif avatar for me?
I'm working on some finite element analysis heat flows for a design project and i'd love to get my results put into an animated gif that i can use as an avatar.

i don't have the time right now to learn how to use a program to such a thing so is there anyone out there who knows how to do such a thing and is willing to do it for me?

basically i'm taking screen shots from my program and putting them into MS paint to include in my report.

Its pretty straight forward, but if you get stuck wang'em over and I'll do it, [email protected]

Well, if you'd search the internet a bit, or maybe someone knows it here, there is a very small program, that just let's you put all your jpg's in the correct order, you can select a timeframe in wich it needs to swap jpg's, and than it just converts it to a gif. Real easy, no learning, nothing, just corect order, one click, and try to remember where you saved it
#4 - bbman
With The GIMP, you just insert all the images as layers and save it as an animated .gif (at which you also specify the duration of one layer being visible before switching to the next)... And done.
It is very easy with Photoshop too.
Photoshop it first... then i shove it into adobe image ready and wholla... gif done!!!

Yep, but is it hard to do animation in Photoshop? I know you can do it but never had a need to use the animation option.