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Any Designers in the House - New Logo Ideas Needed Plz!
Hi all. Ok Ive got a Crystal Prints Site on CafePress on my own Website with links and stuff (links below). Im gonna do a redesign and was looking at Redoing the Logo. The Idea was to somehow make the text of the logo in Crystals. The name Soothing Crystals is quite long for a logo so a SC combination BUT Im no designer so any tips appreciated. The Logo needs to be designed for a Dark Grey Background if poss.

So Basically if anyone wanted to have a go at a new logo for me that would be great. Any new ideas would be great on layout or design style for EBook site. Think 'Soothing crystals' glowy crystals radiating peace.

links >>

Cafepress & Squidoo links in sig.

EBook Homepage (using free space with isp) >>

flickr - crystal gallery >>

Guys this is not any kind of plug for the site or traffic thing i promise, just wanted to get some feedback on logo really.

If I remember when I get home I can give it a shot. 2D design is one of my loves and my band has a store at CafePress as well with stuff I designed (but I haven't got the green light from the rest of the guys yet so I won't be pimping that for a while).

I'm sure I have a couple of fonts that would look good with that name.
thx Dajmin - Some people are born designers and can see an idea straight away (im not 1 of them lol). No rush for anything though m8!