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Logitech free pick up?
(6 posts, started )
Logitech free pick up?
I'm thinking of ordering a G25 online, but browsing the forums I've read of frequent issues with the shifter.

Question is, if I was to send the wheel back to Logitech, would they just have a courier come and pick it up for free (say like Samsung does)?

Or do I have to pay myself for the roundtrip?
#2 - Dac
i think its worth the gamble dont you :P
After 9 months my shifter broke, although they are paying for it all I just need to miss my G25 from here until I get the next. Really the shifter can take more of a beating than it gets accredited for. I had slammed it into gear a few times in quick situations or just into the game and it did fine. I don't know how or why it broke but the reverse sensor decided to no-longer register.

The G25 is well worth the risk, especially with the service I've had at their customer support thus far. Still waiting for the wheel, but its only be a day or two since the pickup.
Dac, if it was worth 'the gamble' right away I wouldn't have asked, don't you think? and I'm asking here because I value real-world experience from other users more than canned replies from some outsourced help desk.

If I was to order online I'd have to send it back abroad, with considerable cost and a lot of hassles for me to go through.

TY Blackbird for your sensible reply. Indeed steering wheels are not perfect, and the G25 is no exception as I realized in the 4 months I've lurked this forum. I'm seriously considering to get it locally, retailers also often replace the product if it breaks in the first months of life.

Any european user willing to reply to the original question?

More often than not US customers receive much better customer care than we poor europeans are entitled to
tbh i have had the same problem of it not liking going into reverse, it will go in but you need to do it right, but i do admit that i have abused it and stood up for quite a beating
Quote from NightShift :
Any european user willing to reply to the original question?

I'm not sure if it is helpfull as it can be totally different in Italy (or where you are). I try to make it short.

In Germany it's really easy you can send, without telling why, everything you bought online, back in the first 14 days and get your money back.

Then we have per law 2 years warranty (which is EU wide) which is different to guarantee.
Warranty is 24 month by law (in the UK only 12 month iirc). Guarantee is the free gift/ choice of the manufacturer.
But if there is no Guarantee then you always have 2 years of warranty

In the first 6 month of the warranty you can send/give something that is broken back and the shop, reseller has to proof that the product was not faulty when you bought it (which is usually impossible).

In the last 1 and a half years the customer has to proof that the product was faulty when he bought it (which is usually also impossible without spending money for an expert witness).

So if something breaks then hopefully it breaks in the first half year of the warranty and then you usually have to return it to the shop where you bought it.

Then if you bought something that did not cost 40 Euros you have to pay the sending back.
If it was more expensive (over 40 Euros) then the reseller, manufacturer has to pay the sending back.
But usually you get a guarantee card with the produkt and there you see the whole procedure. Often it's like this: Call or mail the shop where you bought it, get a DHL freeway label via post from them and then you can send it back to them or to the manufacturer if they tell you to do it.

Last but not least
Warranty is done by the shop or reseller where you bought something.
Guarantee only by the manufacturer .

Logitech free pick up?
(6 posts, started )