This community loves LFS
(116 posts, started )
#27 - senn
It sucks me back in when i stop playing it for any period of time.

I haven't found any racing game/sim that comes close in the 6 odd years i've played it. (and i play a LOT of games)

It is ridiculously cheap.

It's always being improved.

The Dev's just get on with it, even tho they could just pull the pin and say no more, even with ever increasing need for family time etc.

The passion that comes through in the level of quality of a game that has been made by a mere handful of people.

The fact that i still run into people i know were part of the community back in the dark days of LFS's beginnings.

There's more but i think this is enough....
So if someone says no new tracks in 3 years is slow development means they're selfish people?

Way to go!
The feeling of car is just like no where else and I like that.
The feeling for other cars when racing side by side is like no where else and I like that too.
There is more things that are great, but these two are that really holds me here for years every single day
Things I love:

1. Physics (every other driving game just feels wrong after LFS)
2. Range of cars
3. Community
4. Its so bloody difficult!

Things I don't love:

1. See #4 above
I love LFS because it runs straight "out of the box" so you don't have to fiddle half a day about the ffb-settings and to find the current track/car version (like in other 'simulations' which I don't want to mention).
And, of course, the physics are unrivaled.
1. Feeling. I've tried Race/Race07/GTR2/Rfactor but i get no response in that from the car (not like from LFS).
2. Community. I like the forums and organized leaks.
3. Development. I like to watch this game grow with every patch.
4. Of course the online racing. I'm not the fastest on the track, but it is always good racing for a place in the midfield.
1. Cheap.
2. Even the oldest versions run on vista.
3. Best physics for the price.
4. No stupid extra fee's.
5. Constant free updates.
6. 2/3 Developers are active within the community.
7. G25 Support.
8. Easy to setup
9. Fun to use.
10. Great online community
Give credit when credit is due
  • Good "feel"
  • Physics that are still on some parts on the top
  • Nice variety of cars
  • Works very well
  • LFSworld
  • Runs well with average systems
  • CMX viewer and the skins system
What I love about LFS - Just about everything tbh!

No I'm not some blinkered fanboy and am aware of the existing glitches. BUT...

1. ease of use and friendliness to old PC's
2. fantastic set up options (not car, just game)
3. intense quality multi player action
4. maybe half a dozen game crashes in over 2 yrs of playing, awesome
5. fantastic realism when driving the cars near their limits
6. £24!!!!
7. it's the first racing sim I've tried and the first to tempt me into cockpit view
8. love the regular updates and knowing the Devs are never that far away
9. LFS World
10. the fact we know it will get better yet!

I don't love LFS, I LIVE LFS !
Started 2005 and still here.

#37 - TG44
+1 to all of that above...

but incase no one's said this yet (might have missed it):

The incar views are imo, better than in any other game...

.. yes the interiors maybe aren't too nice but there's no other game where i think that the incar view is the best view to use.. for both the simulation and that somehow it's easiest to drive in incar

i know people who disagrees and thinks that for example that GRID's incar is better.. yes, it looks a lot nicer but you can't use it for racing.. driving just becomes impossible with it
I love LFS because:
  • cheap
  • supports all type of controllers /pls don't take the mouse out/
  • amazing physics
  • easy to setup /both cars and game it's self/
  • fictional cars and track /i don't want real ones/
  • good support and very friendly community
In short this is the best simulator i ever played.

pls make this thread sticky
It can actually fulfill "hole" from not being able to race in real life, and adreanline rush wihle racing online can really :headbang: !!!
I love lfs because:-

*It's the closest I can get to the experience of driving a real car without actually driving it.
*It helps me drive a car in real life. (Can afford to take risks and see the outcomes in a simulation.)
*The most fun I've ever had on any video game ever.
*The way the car's handle is the most realistic way ever created so far.
*There is so much potential for other formulas and driving/racing situations and environments.
*The price and the friendly developers listening to the community.
*Gives me a reason to use my G25 and keeps me entertained on a rainy day.
*Like the way I can use AI cars to practice with.

To some up it's basically the best game in the world for a true petrolhead car nut and long may it continue. My £12 is here waiting for S3 and beyond.
I love LFS, it's the game/sim i got most atached too and i would love if it can hold it's crown in the future also, i love it so much that i wouldn't want it to become "obsolete" ever! but, it's Scawen's project so it's up to him... and as BurnOut69 said, people who sometimes say the obvious truth which may sound as a "moan" don't love it any less then we all do (that probably wasn't gramatically correct), we all just want it to continue beeing a great realistic online racing simulator!
Quote from Lateralus :I just had a blast hustling an FO8 around Aston Historic. I love the way you can throw the car into the corner hard and it rewards you for it. It feels like you're hanging onto the car, rather than driving it. Great feeling, fantastic game.

Yea! And yesterday I found out it's also possible to race with it (read: have good fights)!
I'll upload some replays later.. What an adrenaline rush.

I mostly love the multiplayer and and the feeling you have when driving. And the FO8 ofcourse.
I never played a sim/game this long. Not even with GP3 or 4!
LFS is GR8 because...

*You can play it with a wacom tablet (just found out)
*It slowly accrues in value like a fine wine
*You can use it as a dating service (in theory/untested)
*In LFS the weather is always perfect
*You can go really fast but you only risk carpal tunnel syndrome
*You can visit imaginary lands
*It helps kill time
*It's less/more geeky than chess
*You cannot get run over
*It's cheap and stuff
It's great value for money!

Can you tell I'm Dutch?
I love LFS because:

There's always someone to race.
It offers a variety of cars.
It's cheap.
It can run wll on a turd.
The overall online expierence is user-friendly.
There's always some nutter on the form to laugh at.
Yeah, I'm in.

We all know about LFS as a game, but I'm also interested in LFS in terms of development, and as a project.

LFS as a pile of code is one of the most solid and glitch free pieces of software I've ever used. No installer, very well optimised, never crashes, logically and simply laid out, and user friendly.

It's like this because of Scavier's unique goals and business model. The industry as a whole leans towards very large development teams pumping out software on very short lead times, then moving very quickly on to the next project. Result: graphically impressive and perhaps licensed software, but ultimately flawed and bug/glitch ridden software that will never be fixed.

Scavier have gone the opposite way.

A very, VERY! small dev team, and very long leadtimes. So, akthough development is slow, the big plus is that enhancements are overall very thorough, well thought and relatively free of bugs and glitches.

I just really admire them for settung this goal, and moreso for making it work.

Top work lads.
- No faffing about with mods.

1. Fire it up
2. Pick a server
3. Race

its kept me here for around 5 years, there must be something good right?
Its one of the cheapest sims, and although its not finished its the best. Great cars, great tracks, great races, and great cruising
What I love about LFS...

Does Lerts on the forum count?

This community loves LFS
(116 posts, started )