The online racing simulator
#1 - janm
Is an agp card still worth the buy ?
Hi, guys.

I have a motherboard which doesn't have a pci-e slot and i can't decide whether to buy a better agp card, say 6600gt, or change the motherboard and get me the pci-e version of this card or any other pci-e card...
Financially the first option suits me better...
Is the pci-e performance really that much better than the agp ?
I mean in real gaming, not in specs. Can you really see the difference?

I'd appreciate any replies very much.
Thanks guys.


Wish you good racing.
I still use a AGP card, a ATI X800, can't see any reason to upgrade to a PCI-E one yet, my card runs everything I chuck at it with ease.

#3 - janm
Thanks, danowat.
I myself use a ATI 9600 Pro. Runs ok ( approx. 92 fps in lfs), but i just wonder what would be best to make the gaming experience even better, though it seems like i won't be playing anything else than lfs for quite a while.
Maybe i could get me a better monitor first. I have an old Powerpoint 15''.
Ram is ok, i guess, for lfs (512mb), amd 64 3000 processor too.
You know, nVidia has released a quite high-end card with AGP slot. It's called GeForce 7800 GS (price around 300euros). I'm planning on buying one of these cards pretty soon, since I'm not ready to buy a whole new motherboard, cpu and ram just yet just to get the highest end PCI-E gfx card there is on the market.
#5 - need
Depends on whether you think you'd have any other reason to be changing the motherboard any time in the next year or so.

If not, then get an AGP card.
If yes, then hold off untill you upgrade the board and get a PCI-E card then.
Hi Janm need said it all ^

you havn't said what agp mobo(chipset) you have or what cpu you plan to use in it.
However theres no real improvement in perfomance between PCIEx and AGP , especially in LFS (DX8) although in the future data throughput from chipset to GFX card will increase and this was the main reason for mnufacturers changing the format (and of course money)

#7 - janm
Quote from SparkyDave :Hi Janm need said it all ^

you havn't said what agp mobo(chipset) you have or what cpu you plan to use in it.
However theres no real improvement in perfomance between PCIEx and AGP , especially in LFS (DX8) although in the future data throughput from chipset to GFX card will increase and this was the main reason for mnufacturers changing the format (and of course money)


Hi, SparkyDave.
Thanks for letting me now..
I have a sis760 foxconn motherboard and currently using ati 9600 pro.
It works ok. It's just..., i've been using this cofiguration for over a year now and i'd like to try something more powerful... nvidia maybe...or put more ram into it... not sure yet.
I have an ATI x800xl, running at 1600x1200 4xAA and 16xAF it gives me 45 FPS at the back of a huge grid and up over 100 FPS when the pack spreads out. Does a good job of GTR and rFactor as well at lower res and AF settings. I can't really ask for more than that considering you can pick the cadr up for about £100 second hand.
Just bought an eVGA GeForce 7800GS CO AGP card.Should be here at some point in the next 12 hours w00h00.!! :davosmili